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(I meant compress last chapter sorry about that. His real name is Atsuhiro.)

I went through the gate while Bakugo snuck Atsuhiro in through the back. I walked through the gate with my hood up. I watched a familiar face walk past me. I turned around seeing Dabi leaving the community. I gasped and went to do something I didn't know what exactly.

I was grabbed before I could do anything and Izuku held my face to his chest.

"Oh sister you're finally back." He said hugging me as the gates closed with Dabi on the other side. I pushed Izuku away and looked up at him.

"Sister?" I asked and he grabbed my arm and pulled me towards the house.

"He was here poking around for you. For once I'm happy that you ran off. Unfortunately I think he knows about Emily." He said and I made him stop.

"What? You let him lays his filthy eyes on her?" I growled and he sighed.

"I'm sorry my wife was off in the wood's doing god knows what. Plus he is looking for you remember they want you for there sick games." He explained as he walked away. I followed close behind.

"What happens if he figures it out?" I asked and he shrugged as we walked along side each other.

"I don't know. Kill him." He said bluntly. I was a little taken aback by his blunt and cold response. See now I was i scared.

"He was in the walls he could have see the weaknesses." I said grabbing his arm and holding it.

"I assure you there isn't any weaknesses and you have nothing to worry about." He said and I made him stop. I held his arm to my body our fingers intertwined.

"Izuku if i lose another child I think I might go insane." I said tears in my eyes. He sighed and smiled sweetly at me as he squeezed my hand.

"He won't get her." He said and I gasped with a idea.

"Oh what if I help you kill him. Please I would feel so much better if I helped you." I begged and he sighed looking at our hands.

"Actually I have a idea that might work but I know I'm going to hate it." He growled before walking again and I followed.

At the house.

"Wait you want me to what?" I asked leaning on the counter.

"It worked for Toga maybe it'll work for him." He said and I shook my head surprised.

"You flirted with Toga to hurt her?" I asked abs he huffed.

"The important thing is she let her guard down and I got a opening. If you do this then we're even but I didn't even kiss her." He explained and I leaned back in the chair.

"I could I guess." I said shrugging. He smiled at me as he made his way over to me.

"The thought of you flirting with him does make my blood boil tho." He said as he turned the stool around so I could face him.

"Oh it does?" I asked as he pulled me to the end of the seat by my knees. He leaned forward his forehead against mine as he got in between my legs. My hands ran down his chest slowly. The moment my fingers curled around his belt he kissed me passionately. His tongue slipped in my mouth as I unbuckled his belt. He pulled away and grabbed my hands.

"Let's go upstairs." He whispered pulling more away and pulling me off the stool. I kicked my shoes off and let him lead me upstairs.

He turned to me as we walked in. He put his hands on my hips and gently pushed me back into the door pushing it closed. He kissed me passionately my back against the door. His body pressed against mine as the kiss got more rough. He then pulled away.

"You know what. How about I plan us a date." He said smiling down at me. I tilted my head.

"A date? Izuku we are married already no need to take me out." I said and he shook his head.

"No. Dates are more then that Y/n it's so we don't drift apart." He said and the scratched the back of his head.

"We have been arguing a lot lately and haven't been that close. So maybe a whole day to ourselves." He said holding my hands. I sighed and squeezed his hands back.

"I guess you're right. That would be nice." I said and he smiled.

"Oh I gotta go make plans then." He said turning around and going to the calendar on the wall.

"Um Izuku." I said waving my hands out gesturing to the situation we were in before. He tilted his head and smirked. He turned to face me more as he put the cape back on the marker he got to schedule the date. He the raised both eye brows like he didn't know what i was talking about.

"What?" He said and I scoffed. I took a few steps towards him and he immediately ducked down and picked me up over his shoulder. I screamed as he did so and then he put me on the bed and started tickling me. I giggled and tried to get him to stop. He stopped and kissed me softly.

"I'm just joking. I'd never forget about you." He said before kissing my neck.

Izuku POV

Y/n had fallen asleep a long time ago. I was cuddling her as I thought of date ideas which turns out was extremely difficult. We couldn't do normal stuff we would and it's winter.

I looked out the window at the snowy night. She laid on her side her bear back against my chest. I traced her scars gently my head leaned against my hand. I looked down at her as she slept and she was absolutely beautiful in the moonlight. I sighed and leaned forward kissing her shoulder softly.

(I didn't read this through.)

The days after ( Zombie Apocalypse AU) (Izuku x reader)Where stories live. Discover now