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That night we slept on the couch together. He slept on top of me to keep my body heat in.

I didn't mind I was exhausted.

That morning everyone was in our apartment making a lot of noise and I was just waiting for everyone to leave so I could sleep some more.

"Ok so Y/n." Midoriya said walking over from the kitchen. I just looked at him tiredly.

"We are going to try and fix everything and maybe kill some of the dead that's stuck to the road. Kacchan is going to stay with you mom and Momo and Ochaco. Mostly you since you're still cold. He's going to make sure you're still warm as ever." He explained and I just nodded along. He crouched down to my level since I was still laying on the couch. He grabbed my hand and checked my heartbeat.

"You'll be ok here with him right?" He asked and I sighed tiredly.

"I'll be fine. I'll be better when everyone shuts up." I grumbled. He chuckled and smiled at me.

"We'll leave here in a second and you can go back to sleep." He said as his thumb ran along my cheek. I sighed pressing my cold cheek against his warm hand.

"Kiss already!" Kiri yelled and we both glared at him. Even Ochaco did and his smile fell.

"Sorry..." he said looking away.

Midoriya POV

I patted her head and I walked over to Kacchan.

"Ok so her heart rate is almost back to normal it's still a little low tho. Her skin is still cold to the touch. So don't leave her side unless it's a absolute emergency." I said and he nodded.

"Please make sure Ochaco doesn't do anything stupid to try and ruin anything." I said and he just nodded again.


I smiled at everyone as they left. I sighed about to go back to sleep when Bakugo came over.

"Get undressed." He growled and I looked up at him.

"Excuse me?" I said and he sighed.

"You need skin to skin contact. So you can get better fast and take all my body heat." He said and I sighed giving in.

"Not everything but most." He said and I took my shirt and pants off. He did the same and got underneath the blankets with me. Both of us in our underwear.

I sighed deeply at his warm skin against my cold body. I snuggled into his warm chest.

"Oh my god." I sighed out pressing my body against his.

"This is so much better." I sighed and held him close.

"Hopefully by tomorrow you'll be better." He said and I nodded.

"You should convince Midoriya to do this. So it's a guarantee." I whispered as my eyes closed.

"I'll try." He whispered and I fell asleep.

Bakugo POV

I hugged her cold body to mine. I sighed comfortable about to fall asleep myself.

"Bakugo." Ochaco said and I growled.

"What?" I growled as she peeked over the edge of the couch.

"Can you open this." She said and I shook my head.

"No." I growled and she huffed.

"Please." She said and I rolled my eyes.

"I'm trying to keep Y/n warm." I growled and she huffed leaving.

I tried to sleep but the girl just wouldn't leave me alone.

Soon tho damn Deku came back.

"Good you're back." I growled getting up making Y/n wine and wake up.


"No no." I wined as Bakugo got up.

"So is everything good down there?" Bakugo asked as he put his shirt on.

"Um well....why are you almost naked?" Midoriya asked him.

"Skin to skin is good for this type of thing." He said and put a hand on my head.

"Yeah she's warmer then she was when you left." Bakugo said as I just laid on the couch.

"Ok anyway the generator is frozen solid and we can't get it going unless we risk burning the building down. But the fuse is fixed and there is no dead in the road." Midoriya said as Bakugo stood putting his pants on.

Midoriya and Bakugo switched places in the room and Midoriya sat in front of me. I huffed cold and moved closer to him. I wrapped my arms around him underneath his shirt and stuck my head underneath his shirt.

" yeah she I-is a little warmer." He said as I snuggled into his back.

"Ochaco has been getting on my last nerve." Bakugo said as I sat up. I kept the covers on me and wrapped them around both of us.

"What she do?" He asked not caring about what I was doing. I sighed and went back underneath his shirt wrapping my legs around his hips. I sighed against his bear back.

"God you're so warm."I whispered against his warm skin.

"She kept coming and asking stupid favors to try and get me up away from Y/n." Bakugo said and Midoriya huffed and his warm hands rubbed both of my thighs that were at his sides.

"Really? I'm kinda not surprised. It is pissing me off tho. Was my threat not enough or something?" Midoriya asked him and Bakugo shrugged.

"I think she needs a wake up call." Bakugo said and I popped my head out the top of his shirt.

"Can I help." I said and Bakugo chuckled at me.

"You can if you're better in the morning." Midoriya said and I sighed hugging his body close to mine.

"Oh I think I will if you stay right here." I whispered in his ear accidentally and went back under his shirt.

"So how should we do it?" Midoriya asked.

"Easily send her on a run." Bakugo said.

"I'll do it." I said.

"I don't know how much I would trust that Y/n. Let at least one of us go with you." Midoriya said and I sighed.

"Why?" I asked.

"I don't want you getting hurt or sick again." He said and he had a good point.

"Yeah ok."

The days after ( Zombie Apocalypse AU) (Izuku x reader)Where stories live. Discover now