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Midoriya POV

I wiped my mouth off and ran over to Y/n. I took my button up shirt off and held it to her stomach that was bleeding. I could hear Kacchan and Todoroki shooting at the one's left.

"Y/n? Y/n hey." I said slapping her cheek but she didn't do anything. Iida came over and looked at her.

"Her body's in shock she's not going to respond. It's the same with Momo." He said and I looked at him confused.

"I've seen her in shock before it wasn't like this." I said and he shook his head.

"It wouldn't be. Physical shock and mental shock are two different things." He said as he dug in his bag.

"What's the difference?" I asked him and he sighed looking in his bag for something.

"Physical shock turns everything off to protect itself from anymore harm or trauma. Mental shock is to protect itself from emotional trauma and distress it disconnects them from whatever is happening. This she can't even feel you touching her." He said and I looked down at her as she just looked up.
(Not sure if that's true.)

"Damn we need to get them into the bus. I don't have enough to deal with this. There's a ER a few miles away from here. We haven't even touched it." He said and I nodded.

"Alright then let's go." I said and picked Y/n's limp body up.

I walked to the bus and put her back in her spot. I was going to help but the others came back and started helping Iida so I stayed and put pressure on her stomach.

Kacchan called for Roxy who took a few minutes to come back from whatever she was doing. Everyone got on the bus and got all of our stuff. The bus started and we started moving. Roxy sat next to me on the floor her head in my lap. I heard shuffling and I looked up to Kacchan who came back here. My one eye swollen shut.

"Dude you ok?" He whispered and I nodded.

"Yeah I'm fine." I said and he scoffed.

"Deku you ripped someone's throat out with your teeth. That's something i know you wouldn't usually do." He said and I sighed.

"I couldn't do it again. I couldn't watch someone else die. I did what I had to." I said and he pat my shoulder.

"If you need to talk. I'm still here. I'm still your friend." He said and I nodded.

"Thanks I appreciate it." I said and he wobbly walked back to the front. Probably with a bad concussion.

I sighed glancing at the X cut into Y/n's stomach. It wasn't too deep but could still bleed out if I don't keep the pressure on it. I looked at her and she still hasn't blinked and she's sweating a lot more and pail.

I huffed as tears fell from my eyes. I got part of the blanket and wiped her face off. I put the blanket down and I held her hand.

"Please come back or say something hell just look at me." I cried and she of course didn't do anything. I kissed her hand.

It took about 30 minutes to get there and Y/n was extremely pail. Me, Todoroki, and Ochaco stayed to keep pressure on the others that were bad.

It didn't take long before the others came back with stretchers. I carried Y/n out and Kacchan helped me put her on it. We all followed Iida into the building that actually wasn't too messy and looked untouched.

We all got our own rooms and waited for Iida to come check everyone out properly. He came to do Y/n first since hers was the worst. Momo's  and Denki's were on their backs not as fatal as Y/n's

I sat in a chair across the room watching. He was stitching her up after he gave her a IV and a blood bag that was still cold from the back up generators that were some how still on.

"Is she going to be ok?" I asked as he finished and waved me over to help. I walked over and I sat her up so he could wrap her up.

"Yes she'll be just fine. She will be in shock for a while tho." He said and I nodded.

"Ok." I whispered and we laid her back down.

"I'll be back to put a cast on her arm and look at the scratches on the other." He said closing her eyes for her. I just nodded and watched him leave. I moved my chair closer to the bed and sat next to her. Roxy on the other side of the room sleeping.

I sighed and Kacchan came in the room still a little wobbly. He had medical supplies in his hands. I raised a eyebrow at him and he got a chair and sat next to me.

"Come on let me fix your stupid face." He said and I put a hand up.

"Shouldn't you be resting? You might have a concussion." I said and he sighed.

"I do have one but the doctor can't do everything." He said and I nodded turning to face him. He then started wiping my cut with a alcohol wipe.

"Stop worrying so much." He said and I just looked at him.

"She's strong she'll pull through. Besides we're actually at a hospital so we all have a chance. Especially with that sickness they have." He said and I nodded and started thinking about something else. I sighed as he moved to my nose.

"I killed someone." I whispered and he stopped what he was doing.

"That wasn't even the first guy I killed. I -I killed that Monama guy with my bear hands." I said and he looked at his hands.

"We all have to at some point. Y/n did it twice. I did it before this me and half n half have. I know it's against your life's code but it's different now you know that." He said and I looked at Y/n.

"I know but I never thought I'd be able to. Something just snapped." I said looking at Y/n as she breathed slowly.

"You had to if you didn't we would all be dying right now. In horrible ways. You saved us just think of it like that then you won't feel so bad."

The days after ( Zombie Apocalypse AU) (Izuku x reader)Where stories live. Discover now