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We had stopped to make camp and Bakugo and Kaminari went to get more water and gas.

I sat next to Midoriya as he cooked us something over the fire. We could hear thunder from afar warning us that a storm was coming but we didn't know how bad.

I held Midoriya arm as he cooked as fast he could. When it was done we ate and Bakugo came running out the woods. Kaminari not far behind.

"We gotta go now." He said as he ran past. We all got up and followed.

We got in the Rv as Bakugo started it and drove off.

"What's going on?" I asked as I stood next to him as he drove quickly.

"That's storm is more like a hurricane. The town we went to was completely flooded." He said and I looked back at Midoriya.

"I'm going to get somewhere up high and hopefully find somewhere to hunker down. The winds are bad." Bakugo said as he drove faster.

We got onto a high hill and we all got out the Rv with all our stuff. We looked around outside and there was a small town. It started raining as we ran through the town. We found a motel and ran up the stairs to the highest floor.

Todoroki kicked a door open and we ran in. Me and Midoriya were the last ones outside. We look over the railing and the parking lot was flooding. He grabbed my hand and dragged me inside.

He dragged me away from the door as the boys put stuff in front the door so it didn't fly open.

I put my stuff in the corner of the vanity and sinks. Midoriya came up behind me as I turned around to him.

"Are you cold?" He asked and I nodded. He leaned over and picked up my poncho. He put it over my head and moved my wet hair behind my ear. I smiled as he kissed my head.

Night the middle of the storm.

I jumped up off the floor when I heard a scream from outside. It didn't wake anyone else up so I went to check the window. My eyes widened at the scene down below.

A little girl was screaming and crying as she stood in the middle of the road water up to her waist. I was confused why a little girl was out during this bad of a storm. Then I saw the dead making there way to her.

I don't know what came over me. I just opened the window and ran out. I ran down the stairs and into the water that was up to my knees. I ran the best I could as I got my knife out.

One of the dead grabbed her and my heart raced. When I got to her I stabbed it before it bit her. I stabbed the other one and turned around to her.

"Little girl hey don't be scared." I said as she cried loudly holding a teddy bear tightly to her chest.

"Hey come here let me help." I said and she just looked at me scared. I gasped when I felt hands on my shoulders. I looked over but it was just Midoriya.

"What the hell are you doing!" He yelled over the rain. I ignored him and looked back at the little girl as more and more of the dead came.

"Come on." I said sweetly as she looked at the monsters. She cried and jumped into my arms. She cried into my neck as me and Midoriya backed up against each other's backs. Midoriya grabbed my arm and we ran through the water with the dead not far behind but slowing down because the water.

We got to the top floor and Midoriya made us go in first. I climbed in the window and quickly walked to my spot in the room. I set her on the counter and got a towel. I put it around her as she sniffed. I got on my knees and smiled at her as Midoriya turned a flashlight on.

"Hey are you hurt?" I asked her and she shook her head no.

"What's your name?" I asked her and she glanced at Midoriya who smiled sweetly at her.

"Eri." She whispered softly and i sighed.

"Ok Eri why were you outside all alone?" I asked her.

"I got away from the bad man." She said and I glanced at Midoriya who looked concerned.

"Alright are you hungry?" I asked and she nodded.

"Y/n we don't have enough food to go around." Midoriya whispered and I scoffed.

"From my rations Midoriya i don't mind." I said as I got my bag and got some cereal and handed it to her. She took it and started eating it.

"So how old are you Eri?" I asked and she smiled at me with food in her mouth.

"6 No wait 7." She said and I looked at her my eyes a little wide.

"What's your birthday?" I asked trying to keep her mind off what just happened.

"December 21." She said and I nodded.

"Whoa so you just turned 7 not long ago huh." I said ignoring the look Midoriya was giving me and I picked her up and put her on the floor.

"You sleepy? You're completely safe to sleep here." I said and she nodded. I got her some water to drink before I put her in my spot so she could rest. Midoriya dragged me into the bathroom.

"Don't." I said as I looked up at him.

"Y/n." He said and I sighed.

"Look she'll be my responsibility alright." I said and he sighed.

"Fine." He said not able to say no because well I was almost in tears.

"You know what tho." He said and I looked at him confused.

"She's perfectly clean not even dirt under her nails." He said and I shrugged,

"So?" I asked and he chuckled.

"There might be a community somewhere around here."

The days after ( Zombie Apocalypse AU) (Izuku x reader)Where stories live. Discover now