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"I'm not yours, that's not what this is" I scoff at him

I lay they staring up at the ceiling, patting Jasper periodical and while my mind replays the conversation over and over again. Of course he walked out on you, DUMBASS.

Ghost stormed out, left me seating on his bed panting like a dam dog on heat while my big mouth got in the way and told him basically to piss off. Idiot.

I had a shower ages ago. Wondered out to the kitchen had a light dinner and a shot of whiskey before coming to bed, not looking forward to the mission tomorrow. Another early morning, yayyy arghh. To say the least I am not a morning person whatsoever.

Jasper gets up after while and I watch him do a little spin before laying down and falling asleep, I fall asleep shortly after him.


Jumping out of my skin by the sound of John's voice screaming at me, my eyes shooting open and finding him bent down near my face. Out of pure shock I grab onto his collar of his shirt and raise my fist with the other.
"Dammit John I could of hurt you"

"Haha would have been worth it, get up we got to go through the plan before we go. You slept it AGAIN" he emphasises the last part with sass . He watches me as I sit up in bed, happy that I'm getting up he walks out so I could get dressed.

Walking into the office everyone's they all seating in their seats besides Ghost of course I roll my eyes at the sight of him, leaning on the wall behind everyone, watching as always
I slumped down in my seat with a huff, no one paying me attention, wondering why that is.

"Right are we all clear, we go in and retrieving intel and get out. Its shoot to to kill out there boys, no one is to be left alive" John looks around the room as we all nod "let's roll out"

We all huddle into the car and drive off. Looking out the back window to see Jasper seating there with his tongue out enjoying the wind on his face, it brings a smile to my face even if it quickly faded as soon as I turned around and saw Ghost eyes glued to me as he watches me through the mirror.

Rolling my eyes at him as I lean my head back against the window. Not even bothering to ask one of the guys to rest my head on their shoulder knowing that would start a shit show.

It doesn't take long to make it to the location, we have to walk the rest of the way. Price the lucky asshole is over watch so he gets to stay with the car while the rest of us have to hike through this shit. Jasper never leaving my side as we walk through the thick bushland, it lightened my mode knowing he was with me the whole time. Coming to a clearing there's a two story house in the middle of nowhere.

"Johnny you take point, gaz you come in from behind." Ghost calling commands, he turns to me looking me up and down and just points at me like his pissed that I'm even here "just don't"

I throw my hands in the air as I shake my head as I follow up behind Soap.

Soap breaks into the building first as I run in after sending Jasper into one room I hear him take out one and I go to the next room, we call out to each other as we clear the house. Downstairs was cleared as we moved up to the second story.

I follow behind Soap and Ghost as Gaz stays down stairs looking for more evidence and making sure no one was left behind. We make it to the second story, I hear Jasper growling as I make it up and turn and see a man pointing his gun at Jasper, Soap and I both raise our guns at him and shoot him before he can attack Jasper.
"That was 3 shots, who shot twice?" Ghost calls over the mic
"Nope, not me" Soap looks over to me as my face slips and my brows crinkle at the pain
"Yeahh, he did but he missed Jasper. We are all good " I brush off the burning feeling that is swarming my shoulder as I walk into the next room clearing it before continuing.

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