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Price waves the way onto the front porch of the house to show me to the front door, when I hear Soap whispering to the others behind me
"Gezz she's like the girl version of you Lt, just so much hotter.
Quick to jump at the chance to crack a joke and hopefully make friendships start. I tried around on my heels facing the men behind me
"You wanna add me to your spank bank or alternative could invite me back to your room later on"
Price quick to shut me up
"Lieutenant" with a hit of a warning in his tone
"Whatttt you always said to make sure your team are well looked after" with a little wink to Ghost
Price having enough of my crap flicks me over head
"Ouchhh!?" With a pouty face, soap being the caring guy he grabs my arm
"Oofff how's your head" Soap generally asks letting go of my arm
With the biggest grin making my eyes eyebrows raise I look him dead in the eyes
"Well I haven't had any complaints yet, why wanna give it a spin, could always bring ghosty over here also"
SLAP over the head by price again
"Okay okay, I'll stop. As you were captain show me the house tour " hand gesturing to the house.
With that said boys split apart and price showed me around
After the tour which was quite short, there was the main entrance to the house a open floor of the kitchen dinning area. The lounge room 2 step down sunken room from the right of the dinning/kitchen area behind the kitchen is a hallway leading down to 5 rooms, soaps, gaz, spare room, and a briefing room. Left to the kitchen/dinning is a smaller corridor with 2 bigger rooms ghost and apparently mine. Our rooms have a back door attached to the rooms, this allows so that Jesper can come in and out of the room when needed. Every room has attached bathroom to them, which I was pleased about those stupid shower rooms back at my old camp were a nightmare and was so thankful for Jasper before him I always had on lookers when I washed myself.

After price informed me that his got his own little unit and will come back and check on me later on, that left me standing in the room with Jasper laying on my bed. Made a jump start to unpack my bags and get everything in line for tomorrow.

I hear the faintest knock no the door. Without even turning around I call out
"Come in"
"There's leftover dinner in the fridge if you would like something to eat but the rest of us are heading to bed" spoke Gaz from behind
"Cheers Gaz but imma have a shower and might just have a hot chocolate, then get Jasper settled and head to bed."
"Very well Lieutenant, have a good night see you tomorrow"
"Planning on it, you too Gaz"
With that he gives me a slight smile and leaves me to finish unpacking.
"Fuck sake Jas they all so hot, it's gonna be hard to get used to it. That or I could just get it outta my system you know"
My poor baby didn't know what I was going on about or he did cause he just covers his face with his paws and whines like he didn't wanna hear about it anymore.
"Okay okay, I'll feed you now and then go for a shower and then get ya settled okay?"
He jumps off the bed and head for his food bowl that's located near the back door.
"Haha I take that as a yes mom sounds like a great plan thankyou"

After feeding Jasper and hoping into the hot shower to was off any of the nerves I had for the day, getting dry and slipping into a black pair of sweatpants and black bra with my mask still covering my face go out to make a cuppa after telling Jasper to sleep on his bed and hopefully no one is around so I can enjoy it in peace and don't have to wear my mask any longer.

Managing to walk around the kitchen with the dim lighting and find everything without to much fuss, I hear a slight huff coming from the lounge room that was pitch dark. Think some how Jasper followed me out I walked into the lounge room trying to locate him when I hear shuffling on the couch I slowly run my hand around the couch
"I really should of turned on the light, bloody heck Jasper where are you come on this isn't time to play..."
Before I could finish my sentence my hand runs over a large lump on the couch thinking one of the boys left they washing on the couch I keep patting down the area, until the "pile of clothes" started to make a noise like someone trying to hold back from saying something then I brushed over the pant's zipper and bulge. Before I could comprehend what's happened the "pile of clothes" turned on their phone light that lit up area around us, freezing on the spot with one of my hand still on the man's crotch and the other on the outside of his legs I'm face to face with Ghost looking me up and down waiting for me to explain myself.

"Ah ha well"
With that said removing my hand, standing their like a idiot, hoping he doesn't notice the slight blush on my cheeks
"What do you think your doing?" The stone cold brit askes me
"I thought Jasper was in here, and was trying to find him. Wouldn't of touched you unless you said I could so" I say half flirty half still in shock
"Don't falter yourself, thought you had that mutt better trained then that though"
"Nah ah your the one who sat in the dark and didn't say anything when I brushed over you in the first place, don't need to bring my dog into this" starting to get a sour taste in my mouth about this guy
"Your the one who said they doubt their dog to listen to commands" can hear him grow more and more frustrated with me

Hearing the kettle ding and knowing I won't win against him tonight and preferring to settle down and get some shut eye before a long day of training tomorrow.
"Alright dude imma just go and get back my cuppa"
Walking out of the lounge room before taking the second step, I turn around and looking over my shoulder
"I apologise for the inappropriate touching but next time let me know your there, okay?"
Knowing I wouldn't get and answer I just walked off and make my hot chocolate.

Thinking he would stay in the lounge room or just go to bed I unhooked one side of my mask and seat at the table and started drinking my drink until I heard a creak in the floor boards. Hooking my mask back up I look around and see ghost approaching, he makes himself a cup of tea and seats down at the table across from me, with our knees brushing against each other.

A solid 3 minutes pass the only movement in the room was the steam rising out of our cups and swaying in the light draft in the house. Not wanting to be the first one to break the silence I just hold my tongue, just considering leaving and seating out on the poach but before I could move he spoke
"Why do you wear it?"
Shocked he would ask since his basically in the same boat with his whole face covered
"Why do you wear one?" Bit of a bitterness in my tone
"Hmm fair point"
Silents once again

Me breaking the silence this time
"Well as fun as this was I wanna finish this before it gets cold imma just go seat outside"
"Do you just want me to turn off the light and we can just seat in the dark then?"
"I'm not to sure I like that idea either tho"
Seeing a slight eyebrow raise under his mask needing me to explain further
"No I'm not explaining, just no funny business if you turn it off."
He gets up and his soft blue eyes staring straight into my own green once.
"Oh lieutenant, when I try anything you won't be saying no and importantly the lights will be kept on so you can see everything"
Without another word he flicks the light and everything went black.

The tightness in my chest grows, not sure if it's because of what Ghost said or the fear of the darkness creeping back into my mind. Hearing heavy footsteps getting closer back to the table until I hear the scrap of the chair then the feeling of Ghosts knees on mine again, having a spark travel throughout my body not sure if it's this weird attraction to this man or the fear of seating across the table from a well known killer in the dark. Unhooking my mask trying to control this feeling spreading thought my body with the warm liquid placed in front of me taking a sip I hear ghost pulling up the end of his mask up and hear him slowly take the cup to his mouth and take a sip. We seat in silence abit uncomfortable but I'm glad he was here since it's a new place and I can't navigate around in the dark and Jasper is locked in the room so he couldn't protect me.

After a couple of minutes Ghost finishes his cuppa before me and gets up to leave before he gets outta earshot
"If you ever wanna get it outta your system I'm always next door but until you realise that I am the Lieutenant in charge here that door will be locked"
Blushing like a little bitch all I could muster
"The wall in between our rooms are thin but it's cute you talk to ya dog like a person"
Before I could even comprehend what he just said he walks and away and I hear his door shut and lock. He wasn't kidding when he said he would lock it. I think to myself. Then it hit me, he heard me talking to Jasper about them all being hot and I would bang them all. Nope nope we are going to bed and not thinking about this any further.

That's exactly what I did, placing mine and ghost cup in the sink and turned on the light in the kitchen so they was a dull light though out the house. Making it to my room without slamming into anything I notice Jasper on his bed sleeping peacefully, curling into bed and letting my eyelids get to heavy to open and falling into sleep not even caring about setting any alarms.

*writers notes*
Kinda wanting to lend into using pictures in a book, trying to explain a house layout seems messy, not sure yet.
Okay byee

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