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I curse to myself under my breath as I open the passenger door, throwing my bag in backseats. Hitting Ghost on the way through, earning a grunt from him and a glare but either one of us dare to speak first. slumping into my seat with huff, I pull out my phone to see if I can try to distract myself on the drive back. Feeling ghost eyes still glue to me, turning my head at him and raise my eyebrows, his eyes dart to my seat belt. Since when did he care for my safe gezzz. With a huff I put my seatbelt on, as soon as it clicked he rips away from the park back onto the road and didn't look at me once as he drives like an idiot back to camp.

We seat in silence until we get back to base. Only once we pulled up to the front of the house and he turned the key turning off the car. He turns is head letting his eyes scan my face, slowly raking down my body then slowly back up to my own that are watching his. I grab my bag and roll my eyes as I storm into the house.

Taking three steps inside of the house I get knocked over by a blur of fluff
"Hey baby boy, I missed you too" I groan and giggle as Jasper tries to lick my face as he pushes into my bad shoulder

"I've been holding him back since you pulled up, he seemed to believe he could run through the door to get to ya" soap calls from the kitchen making me giggle again. I get up from the floor and straightening out my clothes as I walk into the kitchen. Gaz and Soap seat at the dinning table having their late breakfast.

"Breakfast at this time? Should you fellas be out there running around all shirtless and sexy like" winking at them all flirty like pushing down all the shitty feelings that swarm me every time I make eye contact with gaz from the last time we talked, it's not my fault that Ghost is a fuckwit...is it?

"Ayeeee sharpshooter, some of us are allowed to sleep in" Soap says as he waving his toast in the air

My eyes fly to his plate, becon and scrambled egg with toast, shit yes after all that shit at the hospital
"Is there anymore of that left? Ghost made it right?"

"Yeah over on the stove" Gaz says as he shovels food into his mouth

"Haha hospital food was really that bad huh?" Soap asks as he gets up and grabs me a plate as I drop my stuff at the end of the table and sit down with a grunt, medication I need to have it soon

"You have no clue" I giggle as Soap puts the plate in front of me as I start cutting up my bacon and dropping my mask as I eat

The guys stop and stare at me like I've lost my mind but I haven't really I trust them I guess or I'm comfortable around them I guess. We all eat our food with Ghost at the sink cleaning up the dishes as we all catch up from the past 2 weeks


"Im just saying Jasper is my world" I say back to the guys as I get up and put my plate in the sink that ghost was standing at

"Took a bullet for a dog though?" Gaz says as he points his fork at me

"And I would do it again" didn't even have to think twice about what I said as it slipped out of my lips

Ghost grabs my shoulders spinning me around to face him and brings his hand up to fast for me to register what he was doing


"THE FUCK? Did you just slap me!?" Anger boils under the surface as I glare him down

"I did and did you just say you would compromises a mission for a mutt?" His glare pins me to the spot on the ground

Whatever, Lieutenant. Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum