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*writers note*
It's time you kiddos to leave, cheers but no more I'm not the who's gonna be the cause of you starting to ask questions to your parents, I'm not even a good writer. SMUT WARNING 🤞🏼⚠️ okay as you were....bye 😬

"Mmmm" opening my eyes to make small slits in them handle seeing
The door knob starts shaking like crazy then the door flies open and there's 3 guys standing in my door way. Couldn't be bothered dealing with them this early I turn over so I'm facing the wall.

All of a sudden there's 2 guys in my bed jumping around and shaking me awake, opening my eyes wider this time, I'm met face to face with soap laying infront of the wall facing me and gaz behind me not touching me but laying on the side like his the big spoon in the situation, with ghost standing in the doorway still.
"We thought you were dead, you do know as lieutenant you have a responsibility right or at least show up as an example?" Soap says with a hit of worry in his voice
"So you sleep with your mask on also, gezz she is like you, ghost." Not really asking a question just a statement and looks over to ghost when he addressed him
"Alright alright, it's to early for me handle you three at once so either get outta my room or take turns" being to tired to hide the hint of flirtation and bluntness in your voice
"Lieutenant, do you understand what time it is? I'll let it slide this time but next time I won't be so forgiving" the angry Brit says with the coldest tone humanly possible
"Oh fuck me seriously mate get off my ass, I was on holidays and get a call to come back and save your ass cause you can't handle the job at hand, so it should be a oh cheers hacker for being here, have a sleep in after u just drove 9hrs to save my ass, fuck sake ghosty go fuck yaself" obviously more over tried and fed up of the level of disrespect even if he was stupidly attacive doesn't allow him to speck to me like that.
"Boys get out of that bed and start ya drills" ghost now trying to prove who's in charge here
The boys get up and start walking out saying they good lucks and walk out. With a loud slam

Thinking I was left to get up I let out a loud huffed
"Fuck me " I roll my eyes
The next thing i know it I'm pinned against the bed, face to face with that skull mask, his large hand wrapped around my throat, noticing my shocked expression on my face he leans to my ear and whispers
"You would want that wouldn't you" the stone cold Brit says
His hand starts snaking down my body getting to the hem of my sweats. Feeling the warmth spread thought out my body, getting worked up all because of this trained killer somehow had me a short sting.

Closing my eyes with a breathy moan fall from my lips
"Keep those eyes on me and only me whore, if you don't there will be a punishment"
Unable to find the courage to disobey, looking him dead in the eyes with the biggest pleading look I could make, begging him to continue, to proud to say it though.
"What's wrong not gonna act all tough anymore humm, you can use your words bitch"
"Please...ghost" was all you could muster up

Slipping his hand further down to my fine lace underwear, rubbing his thumb over my thigh and then cupping the inner thigh and spreading my legs further apart. More moans getting suck in my throat as he moves closer to the thin soaked fabric that separated his fingers and my begging heat.
"Oh come on don't fold so easily darling at least pretend you don't want this" he says as he moves the fabic to the side and holds his movement
Like a spark to a flame lighting the fire in my chest to prove him wrong and prove he doesn't have control, I take a deep breath narrowing my eyes at his
"All right fuckerrrr......" I try to get but stoped when the hand around my throat tightens and without warning he plunges two fingers deep into my wet core
"Ahhh you are just a need whore, look at you soaking wet and you haven't even tried to get outta my hold, you wanted this all along, come on lieutenant show me that your not just a needy brat. Just tell me to stop." speaking with so much venom in his voice, while at the same time increasing the speed of his attack, pumping and curling his fingers. Sending me in a craze, uncontrollable moans leave my mouth.

Making me wish I wasn't wearing a mask making it hard to breathe. With my release growing closer I couldn't help but the eyes roll in the back of my head. All of the sudden the hand around my neck let's up and I'm instead found with a slap across the face.
"What did I tell you? Hmm answer me"
He doesn't let up but instead speeds up and his thumb now rubbing tight circles around the little bundle of nerves, mixing pain and pressure tilting to push me over the edge
"To....fuckkk... keeep my...GHOST PLEASE...fuckk mmmm...to keep my eyes...ghosttt..on you..sir"
unable to form a coherent sentence, swearing to see a smirk through ghosts mask. Seems to be pleased with my answer and the new usage of calling him a sir he plunges his third finger, pulling another moan from deep inside me, getting a tightness in my stomach knowing I'm getting closer and the time between moans getting longer as it's getting harder to keep my eyes open.

Seemly ghost notices me getting close also
"This attitude problem of yours is it going to stop"
Nodding your head yes, obviously not good enough for him
"Words, come on keep running that slut mouth of yours for me"
"Fuck, yes..sir"
"One day you will let me use that pretty little mouth of yours for better use then spiting out empty threats and bad language"
Feeling myself getting lost in his words feeling my orgasm about to hit. 

I am suddenly left feeling empty and the weight of ghost body off of me
"What the fuck man, I was so close" pissed of from the deny released throwing my head back in the pillow
"You want it, do it yourself like the pathetic slut you are"
Feeling the ache in my core wanting more, needing more. I snake my own hand down my pants finally having the realisation of what a mess he had me. I start trying to pick up the pace on my clit, feeling his gaze studying every viewable part of my face, meeting his eyes with my own I start to get frustrated that a man that's never seen me naked seemed to know what I liked more then myself,
"Please ghost, finish what you started" with pleading eyes I ask
"Pftt no, you should be thankful I even touched you in the first, shouldn't of tainted my hand on a whore like you. Next time you won't be so lucky " with that said he turns around and leaves me alone in a wet mess, that seems to only be satisfied by him and only him. Wait did he say next time!? Trying to push that thought panic and excitement outta my mind.

Getting the shits and giving up I get up and go for a shower and start the day, for the first tike this morning I check my phone to see a bunch of messages but to notice at the top of the phone in bold lettering 12:43pm holy crap I did sleep in, under that two text from soap
"I'm taking Jasper on a walk he seemed not happy about me taking him while your a sleep but it's getting late and figured he needs to go potty"
"I'm taking Jasper again, I think Lt is gonna kill ya after what you said so I'll bring him back in like 30mins so you can cool down after your indefinite argument,"
Three from Gaz
"Hey John gave us all your number so hi 🤗"
"Not telling you want to do but it's getting late and ghost isn't happy"
"Lieutenant are you okay?"
One from John
"Aye ooo I gave the boys ya number so you all can stay in contact, unfortunately I won't be able to come around until late arvo so I'll see ya then kiddo"

I was starting to wonder where Jasper was could really use my babies cuddle and to bitch to him about ghost dammit, he really did get under my skin. Stepping into the hot shower to wash away the morning denied release, praying that you could be washed down the drain with it, upset with the fact that I  would let anymore speak and treat you like that.

*writes note*
Well the story wasn't meant to turn this way yet it wasn't part of the plan but while writing it just seemed to flow so I guess that happened 🫣 idk if it was right but I gave it a go 😬
Yeah I really don't like books with warnings before anything happens it's kinda ruins it but i think I have to cause everyone else dose 😅

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