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"Writter note"
Warning ⚠️

Figured it would be better off if, I went out for a walk alone and let Jasper calm down just let him off leash and be a dog without having to be on gaurd. Going out to a bush walking path, while walking along I've got music playing in my pocket since I forgot my headphones and didn't wanna go back to the house yet with the chance of running into HIM. I'm throwing a random stick for jasper once and awhile.

Walking along I come across a man made lake within the millatary reserve, must be used for training of some sorts. Getting up to the bank of the lake I sit down while taking off my boots and dip my feet in, the wave of stillness and calmness that ran throughout my body from the cool water. Jasper seeming way to egger to jump in but uncertain. So I toss the stick into the water, which then follow by a slash from Jasper basically throwing himself in, seeming over joyed by being in the water the fool was doggy paddling in little circles bring me back the sick just to throw it again.

We did this for awhile because my phone battery died and little did I realise that the sun was slowly fading and a burnt orange with mixed of dark pink start to flood the sky.
"Think we should head back bud, plus it's getting a bit cold"
He woddled out and didn't give me enough time to get clear of his shaking and spraying me with water, practically stocking my clothes
"Cheers Jas now I'm freezing"

Walking back was so much longer then the walk in I swear. I'm shivering and Jasper is close behind. Getting closer I see flashes lights and then make eye contact Price, he rans to over me hugs me
"Tristan what the fuck, you alright, where have you been. Why didn't you answer your phone, we've been worried sick"
Emerging from the hug I look over his shoulder to see soap giving me a smile
"And who's we? I only went for a walk and my phone died"
"All of them, ghost was the one that contacted me, saying you haven't came home yet and not answering your phone"
Hmm interesting that asshole cared about me since his hand print is present around my throat. Widening my eyes with shook just remembering the incident at the gun range I just walk around price and start speed walking to the house
"I'm fine, really we can chat later I'm freezing and so is Jasper, needs to clean up and dry off ASAP"
"Whaa.....Tristan come back here I'm not finished young lady!"
"Stop calling me that, we can talk later cap please"
Taking the slinces as a him agreeing i continue my slight jog in the house.

Around the corner of the corridor to my room, suddenly thinking I made the wrong turn and ran into a wall. Looking up to realise I ran straight into ghost chest. Pushing myself off him
"Get the fuck out the way asshole, don't have time for you right now"
"You really wan..."
"Ghost MOVE!"
And he doesn't, so I have to move around him go into my room with Jasper waiting at the back door I open it and he walks straight into the bath tub. Attaching little shower head attachment and start to spray him off and adding Doggy shampoo. Cleaning him up all good and drying him off then walking out to my room to fed Jasper. I see Ghost seating on my bed, without formal acknowledge him and getting on with what I gonna get done.
"What do you want Lt" I say over my shoulder
"I need to know where you were, why you didn't come back earlier, why u didn't answer anyone's calls and why you got an attitude AGAIN?"
"None of your business where  I was I don't answer to you. So NO I'm not answering shit, now get the fuck out, i don't wanna see you when I get outta the shower"
Trying to keep calm and not get all emotional but getting so flustered seeing him seating there on MY bed. I walk into the bathroom I start up the shower and take off the wet clothes hoping in and let the hot water wash away the smell of dog. Feeling myself calm down but knot in my stomach not going away.I decided to easy the tension that is building up.

I slid down to the floor of the shower then I snake my hands down to my wet folds and find my bundle of nerves, quickly getting the right pace, meanwhile flashes from the day goes through my head, with ghost pinning me to the bed, degrading me and yet I wanted more and then chocking me at the gun range room. This man is driving me crazy, like a light switch that's stuck in the middle. I want to tell him to go fuck himself but also would want him to fuck me, I didn't know how to feel. Getting closer to the release I needed I let out a little whimper, causing some movement in my room thinking it was just Jas i let my pass quicken again. Then I here the bathroom door open
"You could of told me what you were up to I could of helped"
"Fuck meee...ghost" I say as get up getting pissed of his asshole always ruining my mood
"If that's what you want but I won't be nice"
"Ew gross no just please leave me alone"
Hearing the door shut thinking that will be the last of it I hop out of the shower not bothered to continue now.

Drying myself off walking into the bedroom with just a towel. Notice the blob of black mass is seating on my bed again. Making eye contact for a split second my mask I don't have it then to me throw anything I could find at him,
"Ghost I don't have my mask please look away"
" as you wish darling"
Taking the opportunity to get dressed in army issued tactical pants and mask then throw on a tight long sleeve black turtleneck to cover up ghost hand print.
"Now out" pointing to the door
"After you tell me what's with the attitude is for and plus I have a message for you"
"Got the shits cause now I have to wear this stupid shirt cause it's the only one that can cover up what you did to me"
"Why cover it up? Should be honoured that I gave you that, show everyone that with a little bit of encouragement you will be a good girl. Now be a good girl and go to your meeting."
"Price wanted to have a meeting with you 2mins ago, his waiting"
"Shit" ran out the door didn't bother about ghost and ran straight to the meeting room.

"Price im sorry sir I was have a shower and got caught up"
"It's alright have a seat lieutenants"
Looking over my shoulder to find ghost behind me,
Rolling my eyes
"So just to catch you up to speed hacker, we are tracking down one of the largest human and gun traffickers. It only pop up on our radar when the number of  women got to 128 and they posted a untraceable video of the girls bound and creates of weapons all around them. This was all on the darkweb trying to "move the product on" we have got a on a protectional base. We leave tomorrow, all clear?"
"Yes sir" ghost says with a egotistical way about it with a smirk under his mark
"Yeah, more a request I'm not being paired with him" pointing to ghost
"We'll talk about that tomorrow, get some rest and let the others know to be ready by 0700 for briefing"
"Yes sir" sounding abit pissed about the 0700 wake up but that's the job and holidays are over
"Right, goodnight"

Price leaves us alone in the room together, ghost standing up walking behind my chair and stops to lean down to my ear and whisper,
"Even if it was for a second, getting to see that pretty little mouth of yours. It'll be forever be imprinted in my mind fucking that little skull of yours, with others lips sucking hard on my dick."
Shivers ran down my back and arms from the closeness of this man and what he was saying to me, shaking my head no trying to get the picture across that it's never gonna happen.
"Don't for a second act like you don't want it, you were begging for me this morning and I caught you in the shower" grabbing my jaw and pulling it upwards to now looking him in the eyes
"Look at yourself you need better control of your self, your more then likely dripping wet right now, I have half the right to rip those pants off you right now and make you walk out to the boys and show them how much of a needy slutty whore that would throw themselves at anyone, your fucking pathetic worthless trash."
"Oh please do, I'll let them FUCK me anyway they want and make you watch" trying to get outta his hold, his words getting to me as I feel my eyes start glossing over with tears.
"Listen to me slut, you are not allowed to try anything to help this mess" his hand slides down to the outside of my pants to my crotch  rubbing his hand up and down "that's an order and remember we have thin walls so I'll be able to hear everything"
"What makes you think I'll listen to you" with venom in my voice
"Cause I can feel how turned on you are and don't want a repeat of the gun room now do we, I won't be so nice the second time around."
With that he walks out. To flustered to eat I go around saying goodnight to everyone and go to bed

Author note
Had to change a line, been bothering me for weeks sorry if anyone keeps getting notified when all I'm doing is updating parts and editing 😅 I'm trying ☹️

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