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Trying to put what happened in the back of my mind I decided to go down to the shooting range and get the nerves out. Walking towards Soap I notice Jasper pulling at the lead trying  to get back to me, bending down to one knee nodding my head to soap to let go of the leash, Jasper full sprint at me barrelling me over,
"Hey baby I know I've been in bed all day, how was it was Soap? Huh did you behave?"
Giving him a big bear hug. By now soap has made it to us
"Hey how did you go, did he fuck you up or was his reasonable"
"You could say that, nah I'll be fine" blushing trying to hide my face in jaspers fur. "Thanks for taking him out, I was dead to the world it was a huge trip"
"Ehh it's all good don't worry about it, his a fantastic dog, very well behaved"
Now facing Jasper giving him a pats on the head
"You hear that Soap just said your fantastic don't let that get to head though okay" he gives you a little bark happy with himself.
"Aye well imma get on with what's the rest of day I have, thanks again soap" sincerely thankful to know someone else will look after Jasper if I got busy.
"Alright Lt see ya around"
"Haha bye soap"
Making to the shooting range with Jasper laying in between my feet while I just shot at the targets, simple drills no mistakes all in the headshots and chest shots. Not big noting myself but I rarely miss. I feel my phone buzz, looking down noticing it was a text from Price
"Soap told me that your down at the range, might wanna go have a look out in the gun room again there's a case in the back corner with ya name on it. Have fun girly, talk later"
Smiling down at the message I go have a look, to my delight there's a compound bow. Fuck yeah, let's go. Cheering with the new discovery. I go back to the shooting box and run the targets again and get them all in the chest and bullseye. Taking a quick picture and sending it to price of the targets with the perfect shots.
"Thanks sir this is great"
"Anything for you kiddo"

Finishing up with the target range I decide  to do some close corter runs to see how rusty Jasper and myself are. Gearing him and myself up with the paintball rounds. Pressing for the buzzer I stand at the door of the makeshift building with Jasper inbeetwn my legs ready to pounce
"Kōgeki" (attack/ offensive)
With that send we were off, clearing room by room the pop up dummies having blue and pink paint on the head and chest, sending Jasper loose in some rooms before me to clear in until we get to the end room and stop the time
"6.37mins nah buddy we got this, come on lest try again"

Resting the rooming and going back to the start again, Jasper back in position, giving him the last pat on the head. Then shouting
Running in sending Jasper in the opposite rooms then me and clearing them, doing this Jasper is meant to bark if he finds a target that I need to eliminate in that room. We get through 70% of the area doing this, Jasper goes into another room I ran in after hearing a bark, I feel all the air in the body leaves my lungs. Jasper was about to attack the person that just threw me against the wall and has me pinned there with they hand around my throat picking me off the ground by my throat, after my eyes pick up on the key identifyer of the person. That fucking skull marsk.

"Tachi nasai!" (Stand down)
Jasper not to sure if I messed up the command seats behind ghost growls, showing all his teeth
"Jasper go, eɡzət!" (exit) straggling to breath and talk while still being pinned
Jasper whippers and walks out
"Smart choice there luv didn't want things to get ugly now did we" the smug Brit says
Not being happy getting called that name squeezes hander, trying to claw at the forearm and gloved hand around my neck. Black spots staring to appear, knowing full aware that I'm gonna pass out soon,
"Please....sir" my last plead

My knees slammed into the wooden floor, gulping in air while rubbing my neck, cerintain that it was gonna bruise. I go to look up at him from the floor but then I get hit with embarrassment and shame from this morning, I slowly lower my head back down to look at the floor again,
"Ahhh I see we are finally learning some manners, good girl"
Not happy about being treated less then and trying to push all my mixed emotions aside I fling my head back up at him with rage in my eyes
"The fuck was that about, I've done nothing. Why come in here and attack me, I had Jasper. You that fucking thick"
SLAP, the burning sensation stilling pain even with a small protection of the mask, feeling defeated looking down on the ground regreting trying to say anything, determined to just shut up and take whatever abuse he had for me and get on with my day
"Now see this, this is better you not running the bitch mouth of yours and on your knees before me. That's how you belong"
Even though I promised myself I would shut up, I couldn't.

I felt like the joker with Batman always had to run my mouth no matter what came my way. Without looking up I smirked  under my mask, before taking in a deep breath,
"I would willing drop to my knees for the other 2 in the house but as you demonstrate, you have to force me"
Ghost hooks his pointer finger under my chin making me look at him, seeing his chest rises and falls with so much anger. Not stupid enough to not make eye contact,
"Awh my nasty slut, imma make sure you don't go near anyone else, I'm gonna make you my little cum rag and throw you away when I'm done with you"
Feeling his hand back around my throat, giving it a slightly sqezze, choking on lack of air
"Why...want did ...I do"
Feeling tears coming to my eyes
"What you thought I wouldn't of noticed you flirting with MacTavish before, I'm telling you for the final time, you don't get to be with anyone else"
"Would like to ...see you ..try and stop....me" feeling his grip get tighter with ever word I said
"Haha mateee fucking whores" talking to himself, seemed so shocked with my answer, earning myself another slap to the face.
"Please be my guest try me" with a snarl
The black starts taking over my vision again, grabbing the forearm that's on my throat while the other arm is extend out pushing on his thigh to try and push him off me
"Ghost?" The fear in my voice very prominent
"You know what I like come on, beg"
"Please...sir...please... I'll be goo..." slowly dropping into unconsciousness, feeling my body getting pulled by neck off the wall a couple of inches just to be thrown back into the wall, with ghost let going of my neck, hunching over so I'm on my hands and knees, coughing and having a slight sob while sucking in air. I feel the cold present near me once again. Flinching away from him, he grabs my hair and kneels to whisper in my ear,
"I'll be keeping my eyes on you"
With that said he just walks out. Leaving me all alone. Again.

*writers note*
I know I'm trying to do enemies to lovers but his mean 😢 not sure if I'm happy or upset with this 😅

Whatever, Lieutenant. Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu