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Getting outta the shower, putting on some blue jeans with the knees ripped out, a gray sweater, black converse with my hair tied up with a couple of pieces out to frame my face and my mask back on, I know I could trust them and could take it off but maybe not yet, those walls I've built are just to high to start taking down.

I make my way down to the lake leaving Jas to sleep back in the room. I notice a lot of people there, some of the other squads are at the fire, my whole crew was there besides Ghost.

"Ayeee it's our best shooter on camp"
"Haha hey Soap" I say as I seat between Price and Gaz
"Wanna drink, while I go get another?"
"What you drinking?"
"Yeahh screw it let's go for it, get me a  straw to please Soap"
"Anything for you lill las"
I turn to Price
"I have tomorrow off right?"
"Yes lieutenant, you can get white girl wasted if you wish"
"Haha okayy, I don't I'm good with my liquor."
"Ah sure"
"Gaz dont listen to this old geezer okay"
"We'll see how you go then lill one, one for one you and me then" Soap says as he approaches with 2 bottles of whiskey and pepperoni pizza
"Yeah righto but I'm not doing that straight, I need coke or I won't wake up tomorrow."
"Nahh come on, live alittle well do it on ice you'll be fine"
Looking at Price with puppy eyes for him to save me. The old fart just shakes his head at me and laughs
"Yeahh righto let's do it, but Johnny your looking after my dog tomorrow haha"
"Haha okay I'll look after the little guy. Here, it might surprise you, you probably will like it better like this then with all that caffeine and sugar." He tries to convince me while handing me a drink and pizza

I got used to the burning sensation by half a bottle. John left after awhile. So I cuddled up next to Gaz while Soap was across from us.
"Wanna play truth or dare" Soap says with to much cheer in his voice
"Haha no Johnny that's a child's game"
"Awhhh come on it'll be fun"
"Kyle you gonna play cuase I need a buffer from Johnny's constant questions....pleaseee"
"Are we on first name basis now, Tristan?" Gaz says while rubbing my arm
Heat flooded my system, checks going bright red, hearing Gaz use my first name for the first time. I tried to hide my face by hiding behind his back like a little school girl.

I don't understand what they do to me, I am know for how cutthroat and cold I can be to other men, No strings, no attachments, no emotions. You see I'm called Hacker, not cause I'm good on computers, hell I'm that shit I don't even know how to use word document. No it's because I'm good with Manpiluating men and getting into their heads. Im the one you want to do your nogataging in hostage situation, or simply looking at the evidence and being get into they mind frame and able to pin point what the enemies next move would be. That's why Price sort me out for this mission but being here with this guys who's seem to make me want to forget everything that I try to hide behind with my walls and the rules. Seems to be messing with me with my mind instead.

We all agree to play. Stupid shit like what's your favourite song or go jump in the lake sorta truth and dares. All three of us together have gone through a bottle and a half of whiskey and smashed the pizza. Soap ended up moving so he sat the other side of me, being in the middle of Gaz and Soap now.
"Right Tristan truth or dare"
"I'll choose truth please Johnny"
"Very well why do you wear the mask?"
"It's there to stop me from making out with Kyle over here, hehe nah multiple reason. Manly it's a trust and conceal my identity but yeahhh..."
"so you must not trust us then"
"Johnny don't be like that, just give me sometime,okay?"
"Kyle truth or dare"
"Dare, sweetheart"
"Text Price, asking him what sorta cologne he was wearin today cause it smelled amazing"
"Hahha that is so good, good one lill las"
"What no way, haha fine" Gaz pulls out his phone texting price, showing us the text "right on then back to you then Tristan truth or dare?"
"Dare" I say with a wink
"Kiss Johnny"
"I'm not taking off my mask come on"
"Fine party pooper, go get Ghost"
"Your dare is to go back and bring Ghost down here to hang out"

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