chapter 19

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after my outburst at dinner i found myself on the roof since i have been here this has been very comforting and i can be alone with my thoughts no ones knows about my secret hiding spot and i intend to keep it that way

maybe i was a little dramatic with my whole speech but it was true whe i first got here i wasn't that concerned about the family businesses but the more i was watching my brothers the more aware of the secrets that they were hiding and gio has no right dictating my life when

one he knows nothing about

and two wont let me in his life or the whole family for that matter

but as much as i would like to ignore gio for the rest of the night i don't want too be on bad terms with my new family especially my new guardian

but i am very petty so he will have to come to me first but don't get me wrong i am still VERY annoyed and will be making him grovel

so as i wait for my eldest brother to come to my room i stare out to the sunset vibrant colours laying in the sky the sunsets and sunrises are much better here then in london

bruh when is he gonna make an appearance i'm getting tired

"carmella" a cold voice called out knocking on my door

"about time" i mumbled to myself as i got down from the roof and made my way to the door to open it

i took a deep breathe and i opened the door to see my eldest brother giovante standing in front of me

"yes " i said in an annoyed tone

" can we talk" gio was now looking at me with a pleading look

" if we must"i sighed taking a seat on my bed where gio now joins me

" carmella i understand you don't want peole you barely know dictating your life but we just genuinely want to protect you" gio said

" but from what gio, shouldn't i know the dangers myself i can take care of myself" you could hear the desperation from my voice now

gio just sighed

" it's more complicated than that mi amore but trust me you will find out soon enough i promise"

well that's the best answear i was gonna get and plus i trust him if he says he will tell me he will eventually

" ok" i sighed

" don't think i forgot about the boy rule" gio changing the topic of conversation

"really gio i am not agreeing to those rules" i said glaring at him

" ok then you can have guy friends but no boyfriends" gio said giving me a what i say is final look

" whatever "i let out

"watch the attitude well now things are sorted out i am impressed you noticed all those things earlier " gio says while walking towards my door

" i mean i would be quite worried if you guys didn't notice the same black cars following us everyday plus i saw the cars with the same registration plate in the garage when i first got here" i say confidently while gio looks sort of proud

" you should get some sleep  goodnight mi amor" and with that he was gone

" goodnight gio" i whisper


this past week at school has been so fun i hang out with eva emma rico and malakai everyday they were really welcoming but the day i have been so nervous about was tryouts i really want to make the team selfishly for my own reason the memories of my mum cheering me on at every game i had .driving me to football practice she was my number one supporter and i fear if i stop playing the memories i had with her will go too

and i have been getting closer to malakai this week i hate to admit it but i might be catching feelings we might have caught each over checking the other person out multiple times and i have only been in this school five days so yes we were checking eachover out A LOT of times

" you excited for tryouts ella" eva ask's me

"more nevous but excited never the less" 

from what you have told us you shoudn't be nervous" rico joins the converstaion

"yeah ella you'll do great" this time from emma

"thanks guys" i say giving all of them genuine smiles

the bell goes signalling the end of lunch

we all get up to go to our next classn then an  arm slings round my shoulder i look up to see it's malakai looking down at me with his emerald green eyes he looks just perfect

" ready to go to spanish el" he spoke to me

what is with all these nicknames i don't think i wll be able to keep up but don't get me wrong i love when people have nicknames i feel like it brings friendship and relationship to a deeper level

" of course also can we go the back way to spanish" i said a bit quietly

i am so lucky i have made friends i haven't been taking my anxiety pills all this week because my friends make me feel more stable but everytime i am walking with one of them to class i always ask to walk the back way to avoid all the people they questioned me about it a few times but i brushed it off not wanting them to feel sympathy and walk around eggshells around me because of my anxiety

malakai gives me a concerned look but quickly dismisses it

" of course" he replies

we make our way to our seats in the classroom i don't even bother paying attention since you know i'm fluent i only took this subject so i can get a definite A on my report card

so this period is just a nap period

i was peacefully sleeping until a hand was shaking my shoulder waking me up but as my eyes get used to the light i see the empty classroom and see malakai in front of me

" what an ugly face to wake up to " i tease

"you shouldn't lie Carmella it's a sin" malakai teases back

we make our way to history i grab malakai arm to guide me as there are unfortunately no shortcuts to last period  we head in to see emma eva and rico already in there seats as we head to join them we all chat for a few minutes until the teacher comes in

" ok guys today you will be doing an assessment" the teacher says

the whole class groans in unison except for me English is one of the few lessons i like even in london it was too

last period is finished rico is the first to speak

" that test was easy i was finished in twenty minutes " he said proudly

"really i was writing till the last minute the page on the back took up most of my time" i said turning to face rico

he stopped in his tracks

"THERE WAS A LAST PAGE" rico shouted

we all started hysterically laughing at rico's stupidity

" anywayyy me and carmella should get going to tryouts" eva says looping her arm through mine

"byee guys see you monday" i shouted as me and eva strode off

we make it to the schools ginormous football pitch we have a few minutes till the rest of the girls get here

i look around to see my brothers leaning on the bleachers talking I start walking over to them

" what are you guys doing here" i question

" we are watching our babysis obvs" kaiden says in a duhh tone

" you guys don't have to" i say

"we want to care now go play" jaiden says shooing me off

i better not embarrass myself


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