"Where are you working?" It seems wrong to pry. As much I am an asshole to her, I can't seem to take a blind eye to her safety.

She narrows her eyes at me.

I know she doesn't want to answer but she does.

"At the downtown Library." That's three streets down.

She doesn't wait for me and walks out of the door.

Ira walks in the living room and glances at the room.

"What's wrong?" She furrows her eyebrows.

"She forgot to take her pepper spray." She holds a pepper spray in her hand. She looks worried.

"Why are you not in a party?"

She smirks.

"So some fraternity boys can rub against me, no thanks." She chuckles. I make a disgusted face. I would break their bones if they touch even one strand of hair.

"You are making that face again. Relax, I am home because I don't like that idea and I need to study. Just because I got high IQ, I can't slack off." I smile and ruffle her hair and she shrieks. I laugh. Being overdramatic is in her veins.

"She will be fine." She glances at the door again.

"I know. She can fight you know." Oh. Well, she can take care of herself.

"She can break bones if someone touch her."

"Oh, well, she confided in me that she indeed broke some bones before so I think I will ping her a text and make sure that she reaches library and home."

I blink. Wow! Am I amazed? Yes!

"Is she facing some financial difficulty? Her family can fund her, you know?"

Ira pokes my chest.

"First of all, that's rude. She wants to do it on her own. She works hard. She barely sleeps and eats. She works in the morning and night and whatever freetime she gets, she works with her manuscript. She got hold of an editor and an agent. But they won't give her a contract if they aren't satisfied with the manuscript."

She sighs.

"She is really passionate and determined. I hope she gets success because she fucking deserves it." I narrow my eyes at her cursing.

She rolls her eyes looking at my reaction.

"Whoops!" She grins and walks back to her room.

After Few Years

My phone dings. Green sent her month's rent and a small text "Thank You". I put my phone in the locker and change my clothes. Green got her success as an author and is earning money.

We have a certain distance between us. She totally avoids me and what about me? I am an asshole so my assholeness rubs on her and everyone.

"Come on, dude. Let's crush them with our skills." Eli says.

"Huh huh?" I make sure I tie my shoelaces tight.

"Nora and Ira must be wearing our jerseys." He grins.

He is right. Ira is wearing mine and Green is wearing Eli's cause she is dating him right now. They were friends but something blossomed between them.

I nod.

"Concentrate on the match then on the girls." He rolls his eyes.

"Yeah, one of them is your sister and the other one is my girlfriend."

I pause when he says girlfriend. I am not that immune to Green's boyfriends.

She dates frequently for someone who sprawls on the couch like a ghost. She doesn't sleep at night. She just watches that Disney movie.

I shouldn't be noticing that.

shouldn't be noticing that I hear her screams at night when she sleeps or how she rubs her neck when she is nervous. But I do and its fucking getting on my nerves. She tried to move out but I throw some obstacles on her way. I am an asshole for that but I can't let her go. Ira will be heartbroken and maybe my heart will crack a little.

We are people from different world who shouldn't collide at all and we won't.

SHOOTING YOUR SHOT (#1 in Soccer Club Series)Where stories live. Discover now