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A/N (Author Note) - their personalities might be a bit different in the following chapters, since I started making this more complex and a few ideas came into my head while writing this. Also, for some damn reason, I decided this story will take place in some messed up multiverse, which means that they will behave a bit or more than a bit differently than how normal people or the original characters would behave. Now it's too late for me to climb from the hole I have fallen into, so come and join me on the bottom of this hole, dear kiddos~
And I have no idea who can teleport since mother google nor youtube is telling me so-

13.11. 2***
Time in dr - 12.06. 2***

AU - Talerose (by Author0 [Me on Deviantart])

*Comprehending that you shifted into your desired reality fills you with patience

//"You have just met a person with a horrible slang, Fresh,"//

Fresh?! Him?! No wonder he sounded so mea- wait, did he sound mean or not?... Doesn't matter! You still didn't like him! Or was he good here?... But what about all the fanfictions?! But what if those are all a big fat lie- No! No no and no! You don't like him and dot! But what if, I-I mean what if-

Your private train of thoughts glitched out of existence when Roza spoke again :"Anyway, darlings, what time is it?"

"It's time for them to get out," Clowny answered, still looking at his book.

"Aww, already?" Roza questioned, tilting her head.

"The time flew by very fast, as usual. Tori is also awaiting us, we should go," Clowny clasped his book shut.

"But I want to be with Blue!!!" Frisk whined, hugging Blue close to herself. Roza picked her up and handed her to Clowny who reluctantly took her.

"Aww!!!" she pouted, crossing her arms.

"We will see each other in a few days, Frisk!" he rushed to Frisk and hugged her. Clowny jerked back as Blue touched him as well, since he was holding her and all.

Blue and Frisk wanted a more complex goodbye, not just them leaving as if they didn't know each other, since this all was way too fast for them.

While all the eyes were on those three, Roza quickly came over to you and put a flower into the fur of your ushanka.

"You're beautiful no matter what, darling. And don't be insecure about your eyes, they surely are shining from beauty," she kissed where your forehead would be and then quickly followed Clowny as he runned away from Blue with Frisk in his arms. She seemed quite motherly, but also as if something was wrong... and maybe she thought you were insecure about your eyes since they are hidden by your hat 24/7

"See you later, Stars!" aaand... she was gone. She DID return with Blue after a few seconds and put him on the ground, but then disappear behind the doors once again.

Dream walked to him with a smile. "Did you enjoy your time with Frisk?"

"Yeah, but we didn't get to play the game!" he stomped with his foot from anger, just like Papyrus with Sans.

"You will be able to next time,"

"But when will be the next time?!" he pouted, looking away.

"Let's just get out of here, it's giving me nausea-" Ink declared, rubbing his eyes, "- and it's getting late as well,"

You looked out of the window, expecting dark, but it was as shiny as when you got in. Ink was still upset and now tired as well. Roza's floral scent quickly faded and even though it was not even a minute, you already started to miss it. But how fast did the time go by if it's already dark?.... The problem is, the day is very long in this AU, so you couldn't possibly know when you even got here.

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