"And how long is that going to take?" Becca asks.

 " A few months, I'm not too sure, it seems like everything is going wrong at the moment " A FEW MORE MONTHS?? Absolutely not! I'm not staying here for a few more months! In a few more months it'll be Christmas!

 "How long is a few months?" I question.

 "I don't know Maddie. It's taking longer than I anticipated" great!

 Charlie noticed my frowning face and smiles at me sadly.

 "Can I go with you to Sydney?" I ask.

 "No kiddo I'm sorry. You need to go to school" 

 "But I can homeschool" I argue. He shakes his head.

 "Yeah and how well did that work last time" I sigh. Me a right, homeschooling sucks.

 "Dad I don't want to stay here. I want to go with you, please. I haven't been with you away for work in forever" he just gives me a sad smile.

 "No Maddie, I'm sorry but you can't. you need to have a normal schedule and go to school and that is better here." I shake my head aggressively. No. Not a chance. I will not stay here with this woman.

 "Maddie you have to try"

 "I don't want to" 

 "I know Maddie but sometime in life we have to do things that we don't want to"

 "Not a chance" I argue back.

 "Maddie" he warns.

 "Matthew" I say in the same tone. He rolls his eyes.

 "You've been fine so far only a few slip ups"

 "Like what?" I ask. I haven't done anything.

 "Like skipping school" oh. I roll my eyes again. School sucks.

 "Maddie I though you said that you won't do that anymore"

 "No you said that I won't do that anymore. I didn't say a word and then you just left"

 "Maddie I didn't just leave" I scoff.

 "Really? So I just happily came and decided to live here then" 

 "Look I know that maybe not telling you might not have been the best idea but I didn't know what else to do. You knew I had work and yet you still got yourself kicked out of boarding school"

 "You always have work. Plus I hated that place and you knew that, It's not my fault you still sent me there"

 "Maddie you hate school in general"

 "Correct" he just sighs. 

 I put my earphone back in my ear. I don't care what becca says I'm not listening to my dad. 

I glanced at Scarlett and we made eye contact, she gave me a soft smile. Ugh. This woman really is making it hard for me to hate her.

I need air. I text Scarlett to tell her that I'm going in the garden, before exiting the room. She replied with a thumbs up. 

I sat on one of the deck chairs just staring up at the sky and listening to Taylor swift.

My dad came and sat beside me, taking a earphone out and putting it in his ear, smiling when he realised it was Taylor.

 "You still love her music huh?" I nod and smile . He has videos of me singing Taylor from the ripe age of 10.

 "I'm sorry about this all Maddie. I know that you don't want to stay here but I really do want you to try with Scarlett. I don't want you to miss the opportunity of meeting her and letting her get to know you".

I could see the honesty in his eyes. 

" I know dad" I whisper. He pulls me into a hug and we just stay like that for a while. I really miss my dad, even though we argue a lot and don't agree on things, he's my dad and the only parent I had.

We go back inside after a bit and dad gives me my headphone back. I smile at him before going back in the living room. He follows.

 "You staying here then?" Becca asks.

 " Yeah. Can't leave rose before we've finished the dance routine" I joke. 

Scarlett smiles wide at me and I give her a small smile. Maybe I can TRY this out.




Changes. (Scarlett Johansson x daughter story)Where stories live. Discover now