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the sun was lowering and theo was sitting at the edge of the water. she was thinking about how this could be her final night here she could go home. home to regulus. as she watched the sunset finnick stood near by swinging his trident around. "hey." a voice cut theodora out of her thoughts she looked over to see peeta. "can i sit?"

theodora just nodded. still staring ahead. "you think this is going to work?"

"honestly peeta, i don't know." she whispered. "i just want to be home."

"same." he hummed. "he loves you a lot."

she looked over at finnick who peeta was looking at. "yeah."

"why did you sound so sad about that?"

she laughed lightly, "it's just i know my brother if he could save me he would and i don't want him to think he has too."

"i can tell that." peeta spoke. "when you almost drowned i have never seen someone react that way."

"i just don't want him to hesitate if if it comes down to me and him."

"he won't kill you."

"and i won't kill him. that's the issue."

peeta understood what she was saying. if it came to the two siblings they would not kill each other and the game would never end.

it was almost dark when they left for the lightning tree. when the anthem was played and the sky lit up the group stopped watching before it ended and they continued to walk in silence on the way to the tree until they reached it. theodora stood beside finnick watching as beetee placed the tree wire around the trunk mumbling to himself.

beetees voice cut through the air as he held the coil towards johanna and katniss, "typically a light strike contains a five billion joules of energy. we don't want to be anywhere in the vicinity when this hits. you two girls go together now."

katniss eyed peeta as beetee continued to talk, "take this. unspool it carefully. make sure the entire coil is in the water, understand? then head to the tree at two o'clock sector, well me you there."

peeta stepped forward, "i'm going to go with them as a guard."

beetee quickly spoke, "no, no, no, no. you're staying here to protect me and the tree."

"no i need to go with her." peeta argued which lead to beetee arguing back.

theodora looked between the two from district 12 before rolling her eyes. "i can go with them. you know the careers are still out there and finn can't fight them alone in this state. you need to trust me."

peeta nodded trusting the district four girl.

"you all agreed to keep me alive until midnight, correct?" beetee asked.

"it's his plan we all agreed to it." johanna said.

"is there a problem, here?" finnick stepped in with his trident in his hand. he looked at his sister confused to why she offered to go.

"excellent question." beetee stated.

"no there's no problem." katniss said before kissing peeta goodbye.

theodora went to go over to johanna and katniss but finnick stopped her. "be safe." he whispered.

she nodded. "you too."

"alright let's go." johanna said when the blonde approached her.

the hill was steep as they tried to be discreet with the coil. theodora had her hatchet in one hand watching her surroundings. "come on!" johanna called over her shoulder, "i want to put as much distance between me and this beach. frying isn't how i want to go."

theodora nodded in agreement but stopped when katniss stopped moving. she was going to make a remark when katniss spoke, "there's something...."

that's when the three realized the wire was cut. brutus and enobaria emerged from the rocks.

johanna reacted quickly as she knocked katniss down. that's when theodora realized she was trying to cut out katniss' tracker.

theodora crouched down and immediately cut into katniss' arm and a scream came from her. she quickly found the tracker and threw it away as johanna told her to be quiet.

brutus and enobaria started making their way towards johanna and theodora. johanna threw her axe at them missing before they cut her own tracker out and ran in another direction with johanna following her.

no body, no crime - the hunger gamesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang