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"regulus!" theodora laughed as her boyfriend spun her around. it was winter but district four was never too cold so the pair was at the beach."put me down."

"as you wish." he said before abruptly placing her down causing her to stumble a bit. "sorry."

"it's fine." she smiled widely at him. theodora was happy for the first time since the games. the games had changed the younger odair in ways no one who hadn't been through the games would know. regulus leaned down kissing the girl quickly. he pulled away before placing a soft kiss on her forehead, cheek, jaw and the neck causing the girl to laugh. "reg!" she lightly pushed him away before dragging him down to sit on the blanket.

the pair sat in silence holding hands as they watched the ocean. "sometimes i miss it." regulus all of a sudden said. theodora furrorwed her eyebrows looking at him. "the capitol." he clarified

"you don't talk about it much." she hummed.

"i don't like thinking about it." he shrugged. "plus if i stayed there i wouldn't have met you."

she blushed. "i like to think somehow the universe would have still thrown us together."

"maybe." he agrees. "i would hope it would."

"did you want to talk about it? what happened in the capitol?" she asked leaning her head on her knees looking over at him.

he let out a breathy sign, "i have a sister i think she was the only reason i stayed most of the time. why i never spoke out against my grandpa until a year ago. her name is cassiopeia."

"that's a pretty name." theo smiled.

he nodded, "she means the world to me i miss her. anyway i never felt like i fit in i mean i fit in more there then here but still. anyway, i kinda knew what would happen when i spoke against my grandfather. i told him that he should stop the games because it's not right." he let out a shaky breath. "i've never seen him so upset. i don't know why he thinks that they are right. anyway, i hated having to leave my sister."

"reggie im sorry." she hugs him. "i don't think she holds this against you."

"i hope not."


the interviews went by fast and the dreaded day finally arrived. the games. theodora was waiting with gaia (her main stylist) who had just helped her get on her outfit.

"it's time." gaia spoke sadly. "just one more thing."

theodora looked over with confusion as gaia passed her something. it was her necklace, a small gold locket that was taken away from the blonde girl when she first arrived at the capitol. inside the locket sat two pictures, one of her and finnick when they were younger and one of regulus. the picture with finnick showed a 12 year old finnick holding a six year old theodora. as for the picture of regulus it was one she had taken of him when they were at the beach. "thank you." she whispered. "i thought i would never have seen it again."

"it's nothing, sweetheart." gaia spoke softly putting the necklace on the girl before tucking if under the suit.

"30 seconds until launch." a voice reminded them. theodora quickly stepped onto the platform as the glass tube dropped down around her. she watched gaia disappear as the tube started to go up. theodora blinked trying to adjust to the light that blinded her eyes. the arenas air was thick and warm and she couldn't help but feel right in place when she saw the water. it was like home. she looked around trying to find finnick but she couldn't see him which made her start to panic. "Ladies and gentlemen let the 75th hunger games begin!" an announcer called.

after that they had to wait a minute until they could move from their platform, sixty seconds before the union they had formed would be broken and all they wanted was to survive.

when the clock hit zero theodora plunged in the water. she paddled against the waves while watching her surroundings. she dragged herself up onto a path of rocks ignoring the awful feeling of them digging into her skin. as she stood she looked around for finnick still not finding him. as soon as she arrived at the cornucopia she grabbed the hatchet turning to see the male tribute from district 6 running towards her within a second she threw the hatchet at him and it hit him right in the forehead as soon as his body hit the ground the cannon went off. she walked over taking it from the man's head without even thinking. she quickly raised it again when she turned around but lowered it when she saw it was her brother. "jesus finnick."

"come on." he said. she quickly followed and saw katniss shoot one of the tributes. she turned preparing to shoot another stope at them but finnick raised his hands while shielding his sister with his body.

"good things were allies right." finnick states as katniss eyed the bracelet.

"where did you get that?" katniss asked still aiming at the siblings.

"where do you think?" he asked. before suddenly saying "duck"

katniss did just that before finnick threw his trident hitting another tribute.

"don't trust one and two." finnick said while retrieving his weapon before nodding in two different directions, "you take that side,
i'll take this."

theodora nodded, "we will hold them off."

"i'll find peeta." he hummed walking away. not even a minute later finnick called for the two saying he found him. the two girls ran to finnic side to where peeta was fighting in the water. without a single thought finnick passed his trident to his sister and jumped in the water while katniss aimed her arrow towards them. theodora watched in fear as finnick disappeared under the water. another cannon went off and katniss lowered the bow as theodora looked anxiously to see if she could see anything. when a body appeared she held her breath only to see peeta and finnicks head appear from the water.

"we should go." theodora told katniss quickly as she saw the careers at the cornucopia.

authors note: my phone keeps autocorrecting katniss to katie's so if you see that anywhere in any chapter that's why

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