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he knew. regulus snow knew what was going to happen when he expressed his dislike for the games in the presence of his grandfather. he knew yet he still said it. president snow didn't even think twice before sending his grandson to the districts. regulus thought it was to be a peacekeeper or something but no he was just sent with some of his stuff to district 4. the family that took in the capital boy was nothing but caring to him. he appreciated the wylan family. he remembered the first time he saw the blonde girl. she was at the market where he and lyla wylan were at. he was almost memorised by her.

"well go talk to her." lyla told him after about a week of seeing him staring at her.

"fine." he grumbled before walking towards the girl only to have her walk straight into him. "oh!" she laughed lightly, "i'm so sorry i didn't see you there."

he wanted to smile. she had the cutest laugh ever, "it's alright."

"you aren't from here are you?"

"how could you tell?"

"well i know most people in the district and have not seen you before."

"yeah im from the capitol."

she furrowed her eyebrows, "well what are you doing here?"

regulus went to go answer but was cut off when someone yelled, "theo, let's go!"

"one second finnick." the girl, theo, replied. "i'm sorry again for walking into you, it was nice to meet you...."

"regulus." he stuck his hand out, "that's my name."

she smiled warmly, "well it was nice to meet you, regulus. i'm theo well theodora but everyone calls me theo"

"theodora." he whispered to himself as she walked away.

— — —

after that first interaction the two started to hang out more and one thing lead to another and now they are dating but no one knew. theodora thought it would be best to keep it to herself since she knew how finnick felt about the snow family. it was the night before the reaping of the quarter quell and they had just announced that victors were going to be reaped. theodora should be worried about her name being called. she couldn't go back. she was only 15 when she won. she was more worried about finnick, the only male victor of district four. she couldn't lose her brother. she was released from her thoughts when she heard something hit her window. she groaned making her way over. she moved her curtains to see regulus standing below it. "what are you doing?" she called out as she opened the window.

"i came to check on you. i was worried." theodora's heart melted a bit when she heard that. she would forever be shocked that someone could care for her in this way. "can i come up?"

she knew he wouldn't take no for an answer not after what his grandfather announced, "yeah. just be careful."

regulus quickly climbed up and through the window and pulled the girl into a hug. "theo, i didn't know he was going to... im sorry. i'm so sorry."

she placed her hands on his face, "it's okay, reg. you couldn't have known."

"if i was still there i could have done something."

"if you were still there regulus we wouldn't have met and i don't want to think of my life without you."

regulus sighed nodding. he couldn't let her go back into the games. not her. not his love. not his theodora. "regulus, can you promise me something? if my name is called tomorrow and finnick wins, tell him about us and look after him."

"theo..." regulus started to say but was cut off by her, "please, regulus. i know he has annie and mags but it would make me feel better knowing he also had you."

"okay, i promise." regulus whispered kissing her forehead. theodora didn't realize until regulus whipped away a tear that she was crying. "i wish i could protect you or some how make it so your name isn't called."

"i know, maybe in another universe you could have but in this one all we can do is hope." she whispered. regulus leaned down and kissed her. he kissed her as if it was the only thing that mattered in the world as if the reaping for the hunger games wasn't happening tomorrow.

it was silent only the heavy breathing of the two when they pulled away. "i should g-" regulus started to say but theodora cut him off, "stay."

"what about finnick?" regulus asked.

"i don't care right now. i just want to feel safe." she wanted to add that she feels safest with him but she didn't.

"okay. i'll stay."

— — —

at the reaping theodora stood staring straight ahead. finnicks name was already called and she was just trying to keep it together. she looked through the people to try and find regulus but she couldn't because of how distraught being on this stage again was for her. she was sat between annie and mags, the older girls wanting to keep her safe. "now for the ladies!" the announcer spoke after what felt like forever, reaching into the bowl. "theodora odair."

mags went to raise her hand to volunteer but theodora stopped her shaking her head not too. theo didn't want mags to go in her place. as theodora made her way to finnick and the announcer she finally found regulus and he looked heart broken. tears started to well in her eyes. she might never see him again.

juliette (the announcer) placed her hands on finnick and theodora's shoulders saying, "ladies and gentlemen may i announce the tributes of district 4 - finnick odair and theodora odair."

authors note: i'm hoping to update once or twice a week! im just about to be in finals

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