i'll always be here when you need me

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Lucy Bronzes POV:
It had been a long few days, preparation for our game against Scotland fully underway. Everything was counting on this game, we couldnt afford to fall short, not again. I had full faith that we could come through, but nothing was finalised until that final whistle blew.

All the girls were shattered, myself included, so we all decided to sit in the chill room together, and just put on a movie so we could relax. A few of the girls had fallen asleep, Keira being one of them, whose head was resting on Georgias shoulder, who was also unconscious. I was sat next to Alex and Rach, who was clearly missing her partner in crime, Millie, just chatting about everything other than football. It was nice to catch up with the girls, especially because it was the last camp of the year, so it would be a while before we are all together again.

'Any plans for Christmas then Lucy?' Rachel asks me, her eyes fixated on the cinema screen infront of her. 'Not much, probably just going to go back home to see my family, you?' I then ask, readjusting my glasses. 'Same as you. As much as I love football i cant wait for a break. Feels like this year has just been nonstop.' She admits, half heartedly. She was right. This year had been draining to say the least. I just nod in agreement, not having the energy to reply back. The room then results back to the comfortable silence, and i focus my attention back to the movie playing.

After a while, the silence is broken by the sound of a phone ringing, the repetitive ringing becoming slightly annoying. My focus diverts to where the ringing was coming from, and it turns out its Keiras phone that's disturbing the room. She was still asleep, so the phone just rang until the call automatically ended, myself being grateful that I could continue watching the TV in peace. However, less than a minute later her phone rings again, and again, and again, which ended up in Georgia waking up, who didnt seem very happy. 'My god who's phone is that?' She asks, groggily. 'I think its Keiras.' Tooney says, who is sitting on a beanbag next to Lessi. Georgia then looks at Keiras phone, and her eyes widen slightly, which alerts me. She then begins to wake Keira up, holding her phone in one hand. Keira lifts her head off Georgias shoulder, and glares lazers at her. 'G what is your problem, i was- what the fuck' she begins, then as Georgia shows Keira her phone, her whole face dropping. The laat part of her sentence comes out as a whisper, as if she was talking to herself. Keira immediately takes her phone out of G's hand, and calls back the person immediately. 'Hello? Whats wrong, sorry i was asleep.' She says, rubbing her eyes whilst doing so. She then freezes, as if shes being overwhelmed with information. 'Hold on, i cant understand you mum- you need to slow down.' She rambles, flashing a look of concern at Georgia. I then stand up, and walk over to where they were sat, and knelt infront of Keira. 'Where is he now?' She asks her mum, before mouthing to me saying 'Call my dad.' Abruptly, she walks out the room, so the whole national team doesnt hear her conversation, and i follow her, whilst trying to ring her dad.

The call didnt even go through, so Keira told me to try again, yet it was the same outcome. 'Fuck sake' she mouths, then leans against the wall. 'Mum, im gonna get Lucy to call you okay? Im going to call him.' She says, stress layered in her voice. 'No mum he cant-' she then begins, but seems to me cut off. She has a look of shock, mixed with anger on her face, and i was just growing more and more concerned. 'Mum its so beyond fucked, its not fair on you. Lucys calling you now, i love you and i will fix this.' She says, ending the call, with tears forming in her eyes. 'Keira whats going on?' I ask, placing my hands on her shoulders. 'My parents have had this huge fight and my dad's just walked out on her.' She rambles, her eyes glued onto her phone. 'Can you call my mum for me? Im sorry for throwing you into all this.' She almost begs, looking up at me with sorrow filled eyes. Its now i can see the distress she is under. 'Dont be silly K, you dont need to feel guilty, alright? Ill call her now.' I reassure, causing her too let out a small smile. She then immediately goes back to calling her dad, whilst i search for Tracys contact on my phone.

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