the growing distance

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Keira Walshs POV:
Cruel. That is how id describe the media. Cruel. But if everyone was saying it then maybe it was true? I understand that everyone has their own opinions, but i don't believe that gives them the right to say the things they are saying. However despite me believing that, i also am starting to believe the things they are saying about me; my football, my appearance and even my family. I didnt realise how intense it was until i was in it, and now i cant get out of it. I know that I haven't been playing as well as usual, but its hard to stay in form when the world is doubting you. Im trying. Im trying to ignore everything and act normal, but its just too much. All of it is too much.

Lucy Bronzes POV:
Lately, Keira has been quite distant from me, and everyone, and nobody knows why. Ive tried to think of things that i may have done that might've upset her, but nothing comes to mind. She leaves early for training, comes home late, eats dinner by herself, and falls asleep before im even in bed. Currently, im sat in our shared living room, waiting for her to walk through the front door. I havent eaten yet, as im planning on making us dinner and eating together, so i can figure out what is going on with her, and hopefully help her. All i want is for her to be happy, and now she just seems the complete opposite; drained and exhausted. After waiting 15 minutes, i hear the front door open, and watch as Narla greets Keira, and jumps up at her. 'Hi Naz' she mumbles, stroking her once then dumping her bags on the floor. I stand up but she doesnt notice me, she just walks to the kitchen and takes a bottle of water out the fridge. She seems pretty out of it, as if shes just zoned out, so i make an attempt to bring her back to reality. 'Keira?' I say walking into the kitchen, which she jumps at. 'Christ Lucy you scared the shit out of me.' Why does she seemed annoyed at me already? What have i done to make her feel like this? 'Sorry, where have you been? I wanted to wait for you but i had to get back home to let Narla out.' The truth is, i waited 2 hours for her, but she never showed, and i had no other option but to come home, thinking she was here, which she wasnt. 'Oh i was just talking to the manager, my bad' she says. 'Oh really? about what?' I question, not dropping the conversation. This is the most we've talked in a while, and we where hardly talking. 'Nothing in particular.' So now she was keeping things from me, I must've fucked up bad. I decide to drop it, walk up to her and wrap my arms around her, but she doesn't reciprocate the action. 'Why wont you hug me?' I ask, pulling away from her. 'Im just tired Lucy' she huffs, i cant do this anymore. 'What have i done Keira, because i cant take much more of this' there is a lump in my throat and my voice is trembling, but i dont care anymore, i only care about resolving this issue. She seems quite shocked at my reaction, as if shes taken back from it. 'What do you mean? You havent done anything?' her voice sounds concerned, the most emotion shes shown in weeks. 'Keira you cant stand to be near me, you avoid me 24/7 and hardly talk to me, even though we live together. Just tell me what ive done so i can fix it and we can go back to normal. Please just tell me what do.' At this point im begging, the tears have already started streaming down my face and i cant stop them, despite me trying to. She takes a step forward and brings a hand to my cheek, and wipes my tears. I can see her holding back her tears, but they never fall. 'Luce you havent done anything wrong, i promise. Ive just been tired recently, okay? Youve done absolutely nothing.' She tells me, and this time shes the first to wrap her arms around me, and i quickly do the same. This is the first hug we've shared in what feels like forever, ive almost forgotten what it was like to have her in my grasp. My head buries in her neck, and i take in the scent of her perfume, mixed with her vanilla shampoo. 'Im sorry ive been distant. Ill be better, i promise' but if only i knew it was about to get 10x worse.

1 week later:
Despite Keiras promise, nothing changed, infact she just avoided me more. Sometimes, she wouldnt even come home. She would just tell me that shes staying round Georgias for the night. I was starting to become extremely concerned, maybe this stemmed deeper than our relationship. All i know is that ive had enough of it. I mentally cant continue to be tormented by this, not necessarily her, but by myself, as i begin to question my role in our relationship. Could she have lost feelings? Was there someone else? A million thoughts swam around my brain, and they where drowning me. I felt overwhelmed and anxious every second of every day, and i tried my best to not let it bother me, but it caused me to become distracted and as a result, have bad training sessions. So todays goal, is to find out what the hell is wrong with my girlfriend.

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