every step of the way (part 5)

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Keira Walshs POV:
My heart was racing. I was staring at the cake that determined the gender of my child. Lucy and i where sat at the kitchen counter, not really sure what to say to one another. Its not like i wasnt excited to know, in fact i was desperate to know, but the fact it had rolled around so quickly made me slightly nervous. We had decided on it just being us two to find out the gender, wanting it to be a more intimate moment between the pair of us. Besides, it was our child, we didnt need anyone else's approval. I also wasnt too keen on doing it infront of a bunch of our friends and family, i think that would stress me out.

I was sat opposite Lucy, who looked equally as stressed as i felt. It wasnt often i saw her get nervous, so when i did it was a reminder that even the toughest of people are still human. 'You okay Luce?' I ask her, bringing her out of her trance. 'Yeah im okay... what about you?' She asks me, her leg bouncing up and down. 'Im fine, a bit nervous i guess. You seem stressed.' I reply, getting up off my seat to go up behind her and kiss her cheek, my arms wrapping around her neck. Her hands move to hold my arms, her touch sending lightning bolts into my skin. She lets out a sigh and doesnt say anything, probably because shes so overwhelmed. 'Its okay to be scared baby, this is going to change your life, dont feel like you have to hide from me.' I reassure, pressing more light kisses to her cheek. 'Im not scared.. im just- i dont know. I think i just want to find out already' she say's impatiently, her excitement peaking through. 'You can cut the cake then Luce, no good sitting here staring at it.' I joke, letting out a chuckle. 'Can we do it together?' She asks, vulnerability in her tone. She was a cutie. 'Id like that.' I say, a grin appearing on my face.

She reaches down for the knife, and gently rests it on top of the cake. My hands wrap around it as well, and i prepare myself for what im about to find out. I would be ecstatic with either, but i really wanted a little girl. Ive always said if i ever decided i wanted children, id want a girl, but i wouldnt be disappointed if it wasnt. Our hands where shaking holding the knife, causing it to ruin the frosting of the cake. 'You ready?' She asks, her voice trembling. 'Whos ever ready.' I say, meeting her gaze. 'Close your eyes whilst we cut it.' She suggests, and i nod in agreement. '3......2.......1......' she whispers, before we cut into the cake. Once the knife hits the cake stand i freeze in place, its like I've forgotten how to function. 'God im scared to open my eyes.' I say, letting out a nervous chuckle. 'Me too.' I recieve, unsure of what to do next. I decide to open my eyes quickly, and glance down at the cake. My hands reach up to cover my mouth in shock, and i let out a gasp which causes Lucy to open her eyes and look at me before she even gets the chance to look at the cake. 'Ob my god.' I cry, backing away from her, sobbing harder. She hesitantly looks at the cake, and peaking through the white frosting are crumbs of baby pink, a few stuck to the icing. A girl. It was a girl. Lucys hand reaches up to cover her mouth, and i watch as she turns to face me with tears in her eyes. 'Kei' she whispers, standing up and facing me. 'Its a girl, we're having a little girl Luce.' I say, completely in shock. 'Oh baby, come here' Lucy says, walking up to me and engulfing me in a hug. 'Im so unbelievably happy Keira, you have no idea.' She sniffs into my neck, kissing it a few times. 'I cant believe it.' I say, still crying. She releases me from her grasp to wipe the tears from my face, and then she crashes her lips onto mine. The kiss is passionate and fast, as if we cant get enough of eachother. We cant get enough of eachother. She tastes sweet, balancing out the saltiness of my tears. My hands move to the back of her head, and she picks me up so my legs can wrap around her waist. She moves me so im sat on the kitchen side, and her lips unlock from mine, her breath completely ragged.

Lucy Bronzes POV:
A girl. I was going to be a mum to a little girl. Even though i wanted a boy, i was still absolutely over the moon. I knew how desperately Keira wanted a girl, and after the hell shes been through these past few months, i was over the moon. Seeing her so happy, made my heart do cartwheels. Once our lips part, i move my hands from her cheeks so i can rest them on her stomach. Her hands move on top of mine, and i let out a chuckle as the tears continued to stream down my face. 'I cant believe it.' I say, choking through my tears. Her hand reaches to wipe the tears off of my face, even though they are still streaming down hers. 'I know.' She says, kissing my forehead. My arms wrap around her body for the millionth time that day, my head resting on her chest. We sit there for what feels like forever, simply enjoying eachothers company.

I couldnt have imagined doing this any other way. Im sure that doing a massive gender reveal was what everyone expected us to do, but thats just not for us. This moment was meant to be shared between Keira and I, we could tell our friends and family when we are ready to. 'I think we should celebrate.' I say, finally pulling away from her. She raises her eyebrow at me, telling me to carry on. I just smirk at her in return. 'Lucyyyy get your head out of the gutter.' She says, laughing whilst throwing her head back. 'Shame i cant drink.' she fake pouts, although im sure there was some sincerity in her words. 'Very funny. How about we watch a film on the sofa, and i make us hot chocolates?' I suggest, earning a smile off Keira. 'I like the sound of that.' She says, giving me a peck on the lips and jumping off the counter and giving me a mini heart attack whilst doing so. 'Jesus christ woman your going to send me into cardiac arrest at this rate.' I say, putting my hand on my chest. 'Oh the dramatics of it' she laughs, pushing me slightly. I move to nudge her back, but she raises her hands up and says 'You would push a pregnant woman?Wowwwww.' sarcastically, causing me to stand there with my hands on my hips. 'Hurry up with them hot chocolate's Luce, its cold without you' she says, walking out the kitchen. She would definitely not be able to keep this hot chocolate down, but that didnt stop me from making it anyways. It was becoming a slight concern, the fact she couldnt keep anything down without it visiting her 15 minutes later. Wearing a tracksuit like she is now, you couldnt even tell she was pregnant, let alone 20 weeks. But that was a problem for another day. Today, i was going to enjoy the moment with Keira, and soak up every second of it.

Authors note:
- Barcelona play in the champions league tn very excited🫶🏼

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