nervous flyer

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Keira Walshs POV:
Its safe to say that i was a nervous flyer. Ive never experienced a really bad flight, but the thought of being that high in the sky in a metal box doesnt make me feel to great. In fact, it makes me feel sick to my stomach. Im good at hiding how scared i really am from majority of the team, as i always sit next to the same person every time we fly, Lucy, and I usually just play some music from my phone to distract myself. However, this means Lucy gets the short end of the stick, and has to deal with my fear every time we do fly, which unfortunately for me is quite often. Today, we where flying out to Australia for the WWC, a very long Journey, and i was shitting myself. The thought of the length of these flights was enough to put me off, but the fact that it was raining outside really put me on edge. I clearly wasn't doing a good job at hiding how anxious i was, as Georgia came up to me and told me that i looked so pale that she thought i was going to faint. 'Thanks G, im fine' i say sarcastically, in no mood to deal with G's jokes. I just needed to be left alone, so i dont get too overwhelmed. I will be fine. I will be fine. I will be fine.

Lucy Bronzes POV:
The anxiety was evident on Keiras face, despite her best efforts to keep it hidden, i could read her emotions like a book. She was agitated and jumpy, and Georgias comments weren't helping, so i decided to step in and get her away from the rest of the girls. 'Keira, can you help me order our food?' I ask her, as we stand in duty free. She nods and walks over to me. We walk over to self service of burger king, and begin to order our food. I dont want to make a big deal out of it, as i know she gets embarrassed easily, so i try to calm her down as discreet as i can. 'You okay?' I question, whilst selecting my order. 'Yeah, just not looking forward to this flight.' She sighs, leaning against the wall. 'I know baby, but you'll be with the girls, and me' i smirk saying the last bit. 'But honestly baby you have more chance of getting in a car crash than a plane crash, theres nothing to worry about.' I tell her sincerely, turning my head to look at her. Her eyes are fixated on the floor, and dont meet mine once. 'Hey' i say, using my finger to lift her chin. 'Dont worry yourself, ill be right there with you the whole flight,okay?' She nods at me and smiles. My hand reaches up to caress her cheek. 'Okay.' I whisper, reciprocating the smile. 'What do you want to eat?' I ask her. She moves from leaning against the wall, and begins to look at her options. However, she opts for a portion of chips, which i was not satisfied with. 'Is that it? You cant just eat chips babe' i laugh. 'I dont think i can stomach anything else right now, chips or nothing' she half jokes, half being serious. My arm wraps around her shoulder and i kiss her temple. 'It will be alright.'

1 hour later:
It was time to board the plane, and Keira had been dead silent for the last 30 minutes, as if someone had pressed a mute button on her. She followed me onto the plane, and i chose our seats for us. I placed my hand luggage in the compartment above us, and then took Keiras off her and placed it there as well. 'Do you want an isle or window seat Kei?' I ask her, seeing what she would prefer. 'Ill sit by the window' she tells me, probably to hide away from the rest of the girls. She sits down in her seat and just looks out the window. I sigh and shut the overhead compartment, and join her in the seat next to her. I look at Keira and place my hand on her leg, and she just leans back into her seat. 'When we take off why dont you try and sleep baby, it will make the time pass by quicker' i suggest. She looks at me and i can see the discomfort on her face. 'Yeah maybe' she mumbles. I wrap my arm around her shoulders and pull her into me. She doesn't hesitate to melt into my embrace, and she lets out a shaky sigh. 'I feel so stupid, its so embarrassing' she admits, closing her eyes whilst saying it. 'Keira its not stupid nor is it embarrassing, everyone is afraid of something baby. No one will judge you for being nervous, and if they do it will be on sight' i joke, causing her to let out a laugh. 'It sucks that i have to be scared of flying, especially when my job revolves around me travelling to different countries or cities' she continues. Yeah i will admit it's definitely not the best fear to have. 'I know, you got the short end of the stick babe' i joke again, which causes her to glance at me and roll her eyes. I hold my hands up and say 'okay okay im sorry, its just really unlucky' and i get a slap on the arm in return. 'Hey! That hurt!' I exclaim. 'Firm it Lucy, isnt Tough your middle name? Cant handle a little slap?' She laughs, taking the mick out of me. 'Little? That wasnt a little slap.' I pout at her, which just causes her to laugh even more. Im glad shes been distracted from her nerves, i just hope it will last.

30 minutes later, the flight attendants are going through safety checks, despite us having gone through them multiple times before. Once they are done, we are told to put our seatbelts on and prepare for take off. Keira has gone back to being dead silent, but i know there are million thoughts swirling around in her head. The plane begins to divert onto the runway, and increase in speed. 'I actually chose the worst fear, i think im going to be sick' she whispers. I take her hand in mine and begin to rub my thumb up and down it. 'Its okay baby, this is the worst part, then the rest will be easy. Just think you've done this a million times before.' I tell her. She looks at me, pushes the arm rest down and sits as close as she can next to me. The plane begins to lift off in the air, and i can feel her tense up next to me. 'Its okay Kei' i keep repeating. I feel a bit helpless to be honest, theres not much i can say or do that could change her fear, but i know i can comfort her when she gets panicked. 'Maybe we should close the shutter on the window so cant look out of it? Would that help?' She nods against me, so i waste no time in shutting the window. 'Here take my headphones, i know yours died earlier' and she smiles gratefully at me. She turns on her phone and selects our shared playlist. Hesitantly, she unclips her seatbelt so she can lay along the seats, and rest her head in my lap. 'Get some sleep baby, and before you know it we will be there' i tell her, whilst playing with her hair. I take my coat off and lay it over her, acting as a blanket. Its not long until her breathing calms down, and her chest begins to rise and fall at a much slower rate. She remained asleep for pretty much the whole journey, and despite the weather not being the best it was a smooth flight, which i was very grateful for. Maybe one day she would become a more confident flyer, but until that day i will do everything i can to make her feel at ease when flying.

Authors note:
- hope you enjoy, was a request <3

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