it just wasnt meant to be

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Lucy Bronzes POV:
Heartache. That was all i felt. I remember having this similar feeling back in 2019, but its only intensified. We where so close, but not close enough. It wasnt our best game thats for sure, with the Spanish dominating and creating chance after chance. The game ended 1-0, that one stupid mistake that could've kept us level if it hadn't happened, but it did. And there was nothing anyone could do about it now. We lacked confidence, and now we have to pay the price. I know theres a high chance that this would be the last time i play on the world stage, and to get so close but not close enough agonises me. I lay face down on the pitch, hearing Beth Englands words of comfort, but i dont think anything could help me right now. Well, except one thing.

Keira Walsh POV:
It wasnt meant to end like this. We where supposed to lift the trophy, dance till we couldn't stand anymore and bring it home. And we failed to do so. I wont lie, it wasnt my best game. A deflection caused me to give away a penalty, but luckily Mary stopped it, which resulted in her receiving the golden glove, a very well deserved achievement. I was currently stood behind the rest of the girls, as we applauded our friends, family and the fans, but i noticed one person was no where to be seen, my person. I knew she would be heartbroken at the result, as would the rest of the girls. Eventually, she came and sat down next to me. Our eyes didnt meet once, she just looked at the ground, so I decided to crouch down next to her. 'Im sorry Luce' i whisper, but she doesn't look up. She just mumbles 'yeah me too.' I knew this would take a huge toll on her. 'Im so proud of you though, and you should be of yourself. I know nothing i say can change the result or how your feeling, but im here for you when you want to talk. I love you' i tell her as i wrap my arm around her shoulder. Her body melts into mine, and her cries increase. I wish I could take this pain away from her.

2 hours later:
After what felt like forever, i finally made it back onto to the bus and took my seats. I expected everyone to be sitting alone tonight, probably wanting to reflect on the day, so i put my airpods in, played music and shut my eyes. I just wanted to forget. To my surprise, i felt the seat dip next to me. I opened my eyes and was met with my girlfriend staring at me, and i could truly see how broken she was. 'Im sorry, I know you probably want space but i just dont want to be alone right now. i-' I cut her off before she could finish her sentence 'Lucy dont be stupid, you can sit with me whenever you want to, okay? Ill take your company over being alone any day' My hand reaches up to caress her cheek, and i smile at her. Her hand rests on top of mine and she smiles back at me. How i love that smile. 'I havent even asked you if your okay, how are you holding up?'
'Could be better, i really thought this was our time. But I know it wasnt my best game, who gives away a penalty in a world cup final?' I sarcastically laugh at myself. 'Keira, that wasnt your fault. Its not as if you intentionally went to block the ball with your hand. You've been absolutely incredible this whole tournament, and we wouldnt have made it this far without you. I am so so proud of you Keira, i dont say it enough. It kills me that you doubt yourself so much.' Wow. Now i havent cried all day, but this might just set me off. Lucy clearly recognises my change in facial expressions 'come here' she whispers, and its only now i allow myself to release all my bottled up emotions. 'I guess it just wasnt meant to be this time' i sigh, wiping my eyes. 'I just really wanted to do it with you Luce'

Lucy Bronzes POV:
It wasnt often my girlfriend was this vulnerable with me, she appears quite guarded to the average person, when in reality she's a big softie. Im glad she feels comfortable to let down this emotional barrier when shes around me, however its times like these I truly worry about her. Keira knows this might be my last cup, but im going to do everything i can to make sure im here for the next one. 'Kei, you will get to do it with me, ill make sure of it, okay?' I think im trying to convince myself as well as Keira, but i do believe that if im careful and consistent, i will be here in the next 4 years. 'How do you know that though' she asks me. 'Because im Lucy Bronze, theres nothing i cant do' i jokingly reply. She lets out that laugh that i grow to love more everyday.

When we arrive back at the hotel, Keira and I decide to just sleep in my room together. We had been assigned our own rooms this camp, due to the legnth of the tournament, but most nights the girls would sleep in each others rooms as if we where children at our first sleepover. That is what is so special about this group, everyone gets along with everyone, which is very uncommon especially on international teams. I feel very privileged to be a part of this team. We make our way upstairs and enter my room, immediately changing out of our team tracksuits and into our own joggers and jumpers. Keiras the first to climb into bed, but im not far behind her. Once im in we just lay there facing each other, soaking up each other's company. 'I love you Lucy, im so grateful that i get to do life with you' she says as she shuffles closer to me. 'I love you so much more baby, and im so proud to call you my girlfriend' i reply wrapping my arms around her. We may have lost the world cup final, but im totally winning in life with my girl.

Authors note:
- sorry that its a bit shorter than the previous ones, ive had a shit load of school work to do 🥲🥲🥲

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