every step of the way (part 10)

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Lucy Bronzes POV:
My little flower. I couldn't take my eyes off the sleeping baby in my arms, my baby. My heart flipped everytime she slightly squirmed in my arms, or if she made a slight sound. If i was being honest, i was absolutely shattered. My body was desperate for sleep yet i couldnt bring myself too wake my exhausted girlfriend up too look after our daughter. Her body had just been through the most unimaginable pain, she needed the sleep more than i did. Looking up from Daisy, my eyes fell onto Keira, whose whole body was under the blanket that was wrapped around her, only her closed eyes visible to me. Not only had she been through physical pain, but also mental pain, due to her hormones changing consistently, and also due to missing her mother. She had been asleep for around an hour, yet i dont think 24 hours of slumber would satisfy her exhaustion.

I think she attempted to roll over in her sleep, but it ultimately resulted in a groan and a woken up Keira. She rubbed both her hands over her face, then slapped them down on the bed, and stared at the ceiling. 'You okay?' I ask her, in a quiet voice. 'Mhm' she mutters, as if she was trying to convince herself she was okay. 'Whats up? And dont lie.' I say, very sincerely. She sighs, and then looks at me. 'Just sore, but theres not much i can do about it.' She admits, slightly embarrassed. 'Dont be embarrassed, its only me.' I reassure, letting her know its okay to be vulnerable around me. She really dislikes having to rely on people, but we all need help sometimes. 'Can you come and lay next to me?' She asks, pleading in her tone. 'If you want me too.' I say, making sure she definitely wants me in the bed. 'Its okay if you dont want too, i-' she begins, seeming quite anxious. 'Woah woah, slow down Kei. Ofcourse i want too, let me put Daisy down.' I say, quite shocked she thought I wouldn't have wanted to be close too her. Standing up, i place Daisy in the bassinet next to Keira, and walk over to the other side of the bed to climb in. Once ive climbed in, Keira slowly turns so she can lay upon my chest, me assisting her with the action. Her arms wrap around my waist, and she lets out a sigh. 'Ive missed this.' She says contently, melting further into me. 'Missed what baby?' I ask, a bit confused. 'Being able to be this close to you, without a bump in the way.' She quietly laughs, exhaustion evident in her voice. I give her a gentle squeeze. 'You can go back to sleep if you want.' I say, knowing she desperately wanted too even if she didn't want to admit it. 'I feel bad, you've had less sleep than me these last 24 hours.' She says guiltily. 'Yeah, and you've just given birth Keira, less than 5 hours Aago might i add. I can manage, please go back to sleep, i know you want too.' I say, letting her know it was okay. 'Are you sure?' She asks, as if she needed my permission. 'Of course i am.' I say, kissing her head. She doesnt even reply, as she immediately succumbs to the exhaustion.

Im the only one left awake in the room again, fighting the sleep that wants to takeover. Realistically, i could sleep if i wanted too, as if Daisy needed something her cries would wake me up, due to being a light sleeper, i just wanted too make sure that she was okay, as well as Keira, as I knew that if Keira needed me she wouldnt wake me up. However, the exhaustion was too strong for me too fight off, and i ended up joining the others in slumber.

Keira Walshs POV:
I was once again awoken from my sleep, but this time due to the light cries of Daisy. Lucy was still fast asleep, which was quite surprising as usually she can't even sleep with the TV on. I couldnt bring myself to wake her, so i very carefully untangled myself from her grasp, and slowly sat up. I had already stood up once since having her, but i was assisted by Lucy and another doctor. However this time i was alone, but i had to learn to do things by myself again, so i hesitantly stood up. It stung like a bitch to be honest, but it felt better than the last time i tried. Slowly, i walked over to the other side of the bed, and picked up my newborn, rubbing her back gently. I hobbled over to the chair in the room, and carefully sat down. She needed feeding, so i fed her whilst scrolling through my phone. We hadnt told anyone she was born yet, only that i went into labour, so my phone was flooded with messages asking about me, which was quite overwhelming, so i decided to ignore them for the time being.

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