every step of the way

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Keira Walshs POV:
Holy shit. I couldnt believe what my eyes where looking at. 2 lines. Positive. What the fuck. What the fuck. What the fuck. Theres no way this is real? This cant be real. We've only done one round of IVF, theres no way. I need to take another test to be sure, this has got to be a false positive. Its got to be.

Well... here i am... 3 tests later... and still positive. I stare at the tests on the counter, and put my hands on my head. I cant believe im pregnant. It doesnt even sound right. I was going to be a mum? Lucy was going to be a mum? Are we even ready for this? Did we think this through enough? The panic was setting in. 'Holy shit' i mutter to myself. Lucy was literally in the room next door, how am i going to act like everything is normal? Our lives where going to change drastically. A million thoughts where swirling around my brain, and they where interrupted by a knock on the door. 'Babe you alright?' Lucy asks. 'Youve been in there a while, thought you where brushing your teeth?' Oh shit. Shit shit shit. 'Yeah 2 seconds' i reply, dumping the tests back into the box and then placing the box into the cabinet. I then unlock the door and when i open it i am met with Lucy standing right infront of me. She takes one look at me then states 'God Keira you sure your alright? You look like youve seen a ghost.' That's because i feel like ive seen a ghost. My legs feel like jelly and i can feel myself swaying side to side. I walk over to the end of the bed and sit down, with Lucy crouching infront of me resting her hands on my knees. 'Whats going on?' She questions. Do i tell her now? Should i wait? God, i dont know what to do. 'Y-yeah im alright' i manage to get out, very unconvincingly. 'Not buying it' she says. Im not buying it either. Im very much not alright. Ofcourse im over the moon, but im also absolutely terrified. Im going to be responsible for a whole person for the rest if their life. 'Im just not feeling great' i lie, feeling terrible about it. 'Why dont we get some rest then? We can lay in bed and put on a film yeah?' She questions, i just nod in return. 'Okay' she whispers. I watch as she stands up and reaches her hand out to me to pull me up to get changed. She helps me get undressed, and get into a tracksuit, then tucks me into bed with her not far behind. The way Lucy looks after me, just made me so excited to see what she'd be like with our unborn child. She's already so nurturing with children, but the thought of there being a person who was half of me and half of Lucy sent a shiver down my spine, and in 9 months that would be our reality. I had no doubt she'd make an amazing mother, which did ease my stress slightly, however i was still absolutely shitting telling her. Theres no way im going to be able to keep this a secret for long, so im just going to have to hope i find the courage to tell her soon.

3 days later:
Lucy Bronzes POV:
When i wake up, im met with an empty bed. Weird. Normally Keira sleeps in on the weekend, so this is unusual. Its then that i notice i can hear gagging noises from our bathroom, so i waste no time in climbing out of bed and rushing to our shared bathroom. 'Keira, can i come in baby?' I ask whilst knocking. I get no answer, and can still hear the gagging, so i impatiently open the door. Im met with Keira slouched over the toilet, who looks as white as paper and more ill than ive ever seen her before. I rush over to her side and rub her back, and then redo her bun for her as it was falling out. I can hear her light sobs as she empties the contents of her stomach, shes never been great at dealing with being sick. 'Its okay, its okay, im here Kei. You will feel better once you let it out' i keep repeating. God i hated seeing her like this, so fragile and vulnerable, it made my heart ache. Once she was done, she flushed the toilet and leaned back into me, closing her eyes. 'Babe maybe we should go to the doctors, you've not been feeling well for a while' i suggest, but i get no reply. However, i can feel her shake against me as she attempts to obtain her cries. 'You've got to talk to me, whats going on?' I ask, turning her around on my lap. I bring my hand up to her face to wipe her tears away, and she lets out a shaky breath. 'I dont need to go to the doctors Lucy, i know whats wrong with me' she barely whispers. Im slightly confused. 'Okay... whats wrong then?' I continue to press, not wanting to upset her more. She stands up off my lap, using the side of the bathtub to help her up as she lacks her usual strength. I immediately rush to help her up, but she declines it. 'Im okay, its fine' she mumbles. So stubborn. 'Keira you've just thrown your guts up, let me help you' i argue, which she ignores. She walks over to the cabinet, opens it, and i can hear her moving things around to find something. Once shes got it, i watch as she tucks it up her sleeve and closes the cabinet door. She turns to look at me, anxiety evident across her face. 'I have to tell you something' she stutters, slightly scaring me. 'Go on then, you can tell me anything' i reassure her, as well as myself. 'Please dont be mad' she whispers as she tears up, then pulling the object from up her sleeve and walking over to me. Hesitantly she places it in my hand, and im met with a positive pregnancy test. My mouth curls up into a massive smile, and my eyes begin to water. 'Keira- Oh wow, oh my god, y-your pregnant?' I barely whisper shock taking over my body. 'Yeah i am' she whispers back tears falling down her cheeks. I immediately take her into my embrace, my arms wrapping around her so tightly as if i was scared she would dissapear. Her arms reciprocate the action, and i can feel her cry against me. 'We're going to be parents baby' i say, letting it all sink in. We pull apart and look at each other, our faces painted with massive grins. 'Yeah, we are' she replies, walking over to sit on the edge of the bath, exhausted. I then kneel down infront of her. 'I found out a few days ago, i wanted to tell you as soon as i found out but i just got scared, im sorry' she sniffs, overwhelmed by everything. 'Dont apologise Keira, its okay, i know you where probably terrified, i know i would be' i chuckle through my tears. Im so beyond happy. 'I cant believe we are having a baby' she lets out. She's just been sick yet she looks so effortlessly beautiful, it's unbelievable. 'I know, neither can i. I remember talking about this with you years ago, i cant believe this is my life now.' I say in disbelief, im so incredibly lucky.  She gets up off the side of the bath and sits down on the floor next to me, so I decide to sit against the wall and pull her into my lap, using my hand to stroke her hair. 'How are you feeling about all of this?' I ask her, knowing it must be scary. She sighs, then admits 'im absolutely terrified.'
'No need to be, because im going to be with you every step of the way.' I remind her. 'Every step?' She asks, as if she doesn't believe me. 'Every single step, we are in this together my love'

I couldnt wait for this next chapter with my special girl, this truly would change our lives forever.

Authors note:
- sorry for not updating for a few days, schools just started up again so ive been a bit busy with work. also wanted to talk about the match, im absolutely gutted. lucys goal was incredible and genuinely gave me hope, and Keira giving her a high five 🤭 so much wonze content from that match. keiras passing is incredible, so so so underrated someone needs to recognise her soon, defo my player of the match. poor georgia and lessi didnt have great games today, feel for them. we dominated, we just need to be sharper on our defence. and finally sending love to alex, shes okay and talking apparently, so its looking good, hope your all okay and not too sad about tonights result <3

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