this was a mistake (part 3)

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Keira Walshs POV:
Here i was. Playing my last game of my football career. It hadnt really sunk in yet. This would be the last time i stand on the pitch as a part of this historic team, the last time i walk out with the girls, and the last time my name would be in the starting line up. It was bittersweet. I knew it was my time though, there was nothing left for me to achieve, and my body was slowly shutting down as the years progressed. Currently the team where lining up in the tunnel, getting ready to walk out. I was stood behind Aitana, a player who i had grown close with throughout my time at Barcelona. She still had a few seasons left in her, and i was glad i got to experience this journey with her. 'You should be very proud of everything you've accomplished Keira, there arent many players like you. Im very honoured to have gotten to play with talent like yours, but most importantly ive gained a bestfriend. Go out there and have the game of your life.' Aitana turns to me, placing a hand on my shoulder. I can see the tears in her eyes, which made me tear up. It was hard for me to find the words, so i just pull her into my embrace, and let a few years fall. When we part, she gives me a reassuring smile, and turns back forwards. Wiping the tears from my eyes, i look down as i prepare to walk out onto the pitch for the very last time.

Lucy Bronzes POV:
I remember the emotions i went through when playing my last professional game. A mix of sadness, and grief for what i was losing, but also a massive sense of pride for everything i had achieved, maybe even slight excitement for the future. Watching Keira play her last game knowing she would be feeling everything i felt would be difficult, but there where no words to describe how proud i was of her. Every time someone doubted her, she bounced back and proved them wrong. Not many people can do that. Every time she wanted to quit, she persevered through and made it out the other side. Shes really not had it easy, but shes had a fantastic career. Watching her from the screens interact with Aitana in the tunnel made me realise that maybe she was more emotional to leave football than she initially let on, which didn't surprise me in the slightest. I watch as she lets out a shaky breath when preparing to walk out, and soon enough the entire team is lined up infront of the fans. Before the teams shake hands, an announcement is made, and the fans watch on as Keira is given a massive bouquet of flowers, which results in her receiving a standing ovation. More tears escape her eyes, as she is handed a microphone. 'Wow i wasn't expecting this. I just want to thank all the fans for all the support you've shown me throughout the years, it doesn't go unnoticed. And to my teammates, thankyou for being there even when times where tough, i will be forever grateful for to you.' She says, getting choked up towards the end. The crowd shows her support, and she looks up and locks eyes with me. I mouth 'im so proud of you to her', resulting in her smiling at me. This was going to be one emotional day.

2 hours later:
The final minutes of extra time where approaching, and i could slowly see Keira become more deflated as time progressed. She had to stop running a few times to catch her breath from the building emotions, even wiping her eyes a few times. Her last touch of the ball happened as the full time whistle went, and the whole team rushed over to her as she covered her face with her hands. A few tears escaped my eyes watching her cry, its never a nice feeling watching the person you love in that kind of emotional turmoil, but i knew she was just reflecting on everything that had occurred in her career. The players did a lap of the pitch and applauded the fans, who stood up everytime Keira walked past them. I decided to start walking down towards the pitch, i was allowed because i was a former player, to go and congratulate my girl. She was sat on the floor next to Alexia, who was a very good friend of mine. Walking up behind her, i tapped her shoulder causing her head to turn, and once she noticed it was me she immediately stood up and wrapped her arms around me. 'Im so fucking proud of you Kei, words cant even describe the feeling.' I tell her, as i feel my shoulder growing wet. 'I cant believe its over' she cries, as it really begins to sink in. 'I know baby, but you've got everything to be proud of. Now you get a well deserved break and can move onto a new chapter in your life. It's exciting things from here my love.' I whisper to her, stroking her head. She pulls away from me and looks into my eyes, with red rings surrounding hers. 'I cant wait to do life with you Luce. Im so glad we found our way back to each other' she says before pressing a kiss to my lips, which i immediately reciprocate. We sit down on the pitch together, soaking up the atmosphere and going over amazing memories. 'This is the last time im going to be on a football pitch.' She blurts out. 'It seems so surreal, i dont know who i am without football.'
'Your so much more than football Keira, so much more' i remind her. 'What was it like for you when you retired?' She asks me, probably wondering if i felt the same things she was feeling. 'I felt slightly empty, as if i had lost my purpose which caused me to lose sight of things that meant so much more to me than football. I felt like i had to find something to replace the gap football had filled all them years, but what i really needed was reassurance. Reassurance that i was still me with or without playing. I ended up losing you Keira, promise me you wont let yourself get to that point. The first few months are hard, but it gets easier i promise. Soon you learn to adjust to your new life, and your career becomes a happy memory.' I say, looking out onto the pitch, turning my head to face her once ive finished. 'I promise i wont let you go again Lucy.' She sadly smiles, moving closer next to me. 'I know you wont, and i promise i wont leave you ever again baby.' I reassure her, ive made that mistake once and i dont plan on making it again. We sit in silence for a few moments, before Keira announces 'i think im ready to go back to the changing room' so she stands up off the pitch and reaches down a hand to pull me up with her. 'You sure?' I ask, just making sure she was done gathering her emotions. 'Im sure.' She smiles, a singular tear falling down her cheek. We walk hand in hand to the opposite side of the pitch, and our hands stay glued together as we walk down the tunnel for the very last time.

Authors note:
- lowkey hate this but i needed to update cause i have a few requests. but fr the day lucy and keira retire is the day i quit life.😭😭😭 hope your all okay!! 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼

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