every step of the way (part 2)

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Lucy Bronzes POV:
Ever since Keira had told me she was pregnant, its safe to say ive been a little bit... overprotective i guess. I just worry. We havent told anyone yet, including anybody at Man City, so ive been watching her like a hawk in training, making sure shes not overworking herself. And the big problem with Keira, is that she was an overachiever, meaning she doesnt know when to stop. Some may say its a good trait, and in some cases it is, but not in this one.

Walking into the changing room, i go to my locker and start to take my boots off. I soon see Keira and Georgia walk in, Keira looking quite disorientated, and apparently i wasnt the only one who thought so. 'Kei you good?' G asks, as she stops walking and begins swaying. 'Woah woah woah' G says, as Keiras knees begin to buckle, catching her just in time. I immediately jump up and rush over to them, helping Keira stand. 'Im fine, im fine' she reiterates, but she must be delusional if she thinks im buying it. 'Come on, lets sit down' i say, helping her too her seat. Once shes sat, she leans her head back against the wall and closes her eyes, attempting to recollect herself. 'Heres your water' i say, handing her the bottle. 'Thanks' she mumbles, taking it and unscrewing the lid. I sit down next to her, placing my hand on her knee as the rest of the girls flood in. They give her space, as they can see shes kind of out of it. 'You okay?' I whisper, not to draw too much attention to her. 'Yeah, just got a bit dizzy.' She says, a small smile on her face. 'Maybe take it a bit easier in training, alright? Just until things settle' i say, concern filled in my voice. 'Yeah maybe' she says, moving to take her boots off. 'Want me to do it?' I ask, not wanting her to make herself worked up again. 'Lucy im more than capable of taking my boots off myself' she says rather defensively, taking me by surprise. My eyes widen at the sudden change in attitude, and not wanting to upset her more i just move away from her and give her space, then continue to get myself changed. I knew she was just overwhelmed, but id be lying if i said it didnt hurt me slightly, i only wanted to help her.

The car journey home was silent, with her just staring out the window looking at the passing scenary. The music from the radio was the only thing making the journey less awkward, and it felt like i was waiting for a jumpscare in a movie. Pulling up to our shared home, i park the car and just sit there for a few moments. 'Im sorry Lucy' i hear Keira say, so i turn my head to look at her and shes just facing forward, her eyes filling up with tears. 'Sorry? For what you havent done anything' i say, reaching out my hand to her shoulder. 'For getting so defensive, i didnt mean to make you upset' she replies, her voice wobbling and a few tears beginning to fall. 'Baby dont be silly, you didnt make me upset i promise you. I didnt mean to make you feel incapable of helping yourself, i just want you to know that you dont have to do everything by yourself, im here to support and help you, now more than ever' i say, wiping her tears from her freckled face. 'It just sucks to have to rely on you all the time, i feel helpless' she admits, looking at me directly in the eye. 'Dont feel helpless, your pregnant Kei, its okay to ask for help, dont feel embarrassed' i say reassuringly, then moving to kiss her on the forehead. 'I know, it just sucks not being able to train like normal. I knew it would obviously be harder but an hour into training i feel like ive just finished a whole week of it.' She sniffles, using her sleeve to wipe her eyes. 'Maybe we should think about telling everyone at City, maybe they could moderate your training so your not as drained' I suggest, rather hesitantly. 'You want to tell people?' She asks, quite surprised. 'Only if you want too.' I reply. She seems to be thinking about it rather deeply, then eventually says 'i want to tell our families before anyone i think, they deserve to know first.' I smile at the thought of telling our parents, and begin to imagine their reactions. 'I like that idea' i grin, happiness evident on my features. She smiles at me, then leans in for a kiss, which i happily accept. 'Come on lets head inside' i say, unbuckling my seatbelt. We both step out the car and walk to the front door, and are immediately met with our furbaby Narla, who is very happy to see us. She jumps up at us, and i pick her up to give her a kiss. We walk into the living room, and collapse on the sofa. I pull Keira onto me, and play with her freshly washed hair. Her head lays on my chest, and her arm is wrapped around my waist. My other arm runs up and down her arm comfortingly, and i can eventually hear her breaths begin to even out, and come at a much slower rate. I also make the decision to go to sleep, so i close my eyes and let myself fall into a deep slumber.

2 hours later:
By the time ive woken up, Keiras already awake, just scrolling through her phone effortlessly. Im assuming shes felt me stir, as shes taken her head off my chest to look up at me. 'Morning sleepyhead' she says with a smile on her face. 'What time is it?' I ask, wondering how long ive been asleep. 'Around 5:30 ish, so you've been asleep for around 2 hours' she says. 'How long have u been awake?' I question, just out of curiosity. 'For about an hour' she says, going back to whatever she was doing on her phone. 'News travels fast around here, look at this' she continues, showing me her phone. It read 'Keira Walsh England international collapses at training today, what does this mean for Man City and England?' What the hell? How has this even gotten out. 'Im confused how do they know it literally happened in the changing rooms?' I ask, completely baffed. 'Your guess is as good as mine' she says, letting out a sigh. 'Does it bother you?' I know she gets funny ahout things like this, so i just want to make sure. 'I mean its a bit weird how they know already when it happened less than 5 hours ago, i guess its a bit annoying but im not upset' she says honestly, easing my stress a bit. 'Good, and dont let it bother you' i reply, rather protectively. 'Alright mum' she laughs. Its so weird to think that there will be a human who actually is going to call me mum, not as a joke. I cant wait to meet them. 'If you could choose, girl or boy' she puts out there. I hadnt really given it much thought. 'Ummmm, probably a boy, just because ive grown up with an older brother, what about you babe?' I reciprocate the question. 'Ive always wanted a girl, i dont think i can imagine us having a boy, but ill be happy either way. Im just greatful we even get the chance to be parents' she says as if she's reflecting on everything, and how things turned out. 'Me too baby, me too.' I say, pulling her closer into me if thats even possible. 'I dont think its really hit me yet' I continue, whilst massaging her head. 'Cant say the same, im sick more than im not' she half jokes, half sighs. I let out a light chuckle at her sarcasm, then give her a squeeze. 'I feel for you, dont worry it shouldn't last much longer babe' i say. Narla then jumps up onto the sofa, and climbs over Keiras face to give me kisses. 'Narla- what the fuck- NARLA' she says, whilst getting trampled on. I start laughing uncontrollably, but soon im the one complaining when she wont stop licking my face. 'Hey thats enough now- Narla seriously. STOP- NARLA.' Keiras now the one laughing at me, and sits up and pulls Narla off my face and onto her lap. 'Your welcome' she smirks. 'What would you do without me, would've drowned from kisses' she jokes, causing me to roll my eyes. 'Good thing i'll never have to find out.'

Authors note:
-someone requested a part 2, I'll probably make this a multi part series but ill also write other suggestions! xxx

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