every step of the way (part 9)

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Lucy Bronzes POV:
'Its okay mum.'

'Mum please dont cry.'

'No dont-'

'I promise ill tell you.'

'Dont feel guilty its not your fault you didnt know'

'No dont do that to yourself.'

Im woken up by the sound of an upset Keira, who seemed to be on the phone with her mum. Keiras parents were currently on a cruise, not expecting Keira to go into labour whilst they where away, so im assuming that Tracy is stressing about missing the birth of her first grandchild.

'I love you too mum.'

Next, im met with the sound of Keira crying, facing me, which was odd because when she was awake before hand she was facing away from me. God knows how she turned around by herself. I dont think she's realised that im awake, as she is trying to muffle her cries. My hands move to her hands that are cupped over her face, and i move them away so i can make eye contact with her. 'What's happened?' I ask her, slightly annoyed she didn't wake me when she told me she would if something happened. 'Just my mum, she feels bad that she's not here. She was really upset, i just miss her and wish she was here.' She admits, sniffling. I decide to let my frustration disappear, deciding now really wasnt the time to lecture her, she just needed my support. 'Im sorry shes not here, i know she loves you very much.' I say sympathetically, wiping her tear stained face. 'I know that as well, i just wish things could be different. But your alright i guess.' She half jokes, trying to make herself feel better. 'Alright?' I ask, raising my eyebrow. 'You've been the best Lucy, im so lucky to have you. I dont know what id do if i didnt have you.' She says, moving as close as she can to me with her bump in the way. 'And you'll never have to find out.' I reply, kissing her nose. We lay there together for a few moments, Keira soaking up the benefits of the epidural, and enjoying the comfortable silence in the room. That is until we are interrupted by Tilly walking into the room.

'Hey, i dont mean to interrupt but i just wanted to check how far along you are Keira, that okay?' She asks as if Keira had any choice anyways. I had to give it to her she was bloody good at her job, hats off to her. She had been so gentle with us, unlike that moody cow from earlier on, we were very lucky. I remove myself from the bed and help Keira turn onto her back.

'Looks like your 10cm Keira, your ready to push.' She announces, my eyes widening. 'What?' We both say at the same time, shocked it was time already. Tilly just laughs, and calls for 2 other nurses. 'Its okay guys, your nearly done.' She says. I turn to Keira who looks absolutely terrified, as am i. 'God why did we decide to do this.' She says, running her hands over her face. 'It's going to be okay..' I say, my words coming out less confident than I intended them too. 'Could you sound more confident jesus.' She says sarcastically, clearly not happy with me. I wasnt even the one going through it all yet i was shitting myself. I think Keira recognises my fear, as she tugs on my hand, turning my focus onto her. She has a concerned look on her face, but one thats sympathetic. 'Hey, i was joking. Your allowed to be scared.' She says, causing me to smile at her. 'Its a bit pathetic, if anything i should be telling you that.' I joke, but theres some sincerity in my words. 'Dont be silly, im not the only one about to become a parent, your feelings are valid.' She reassures me. God is a woman and her name is Keira Walsh. This girl is too kindhearted for her own good. I bend down to give her a kiss, the last kiss before our daughter enters the world. 'I love you, im so proud of you Kei.' I say, in awe of the woman sat infront of me. 'I love you more.'

'Right Keira, you ready?'

45 minutes later:
2:45pm. That was the time that Keira gave birth to our beautiful daughter, who weighed 7.6 pounds, had the cutest button nose and Keiras lips. She was perfect. Keira had been amazing, anyone walking past the room wouldn't have guessed she was in the middle of giving birth to a whole human, she was that silent. I was sat at the end of the bed, watching Keira take on her new role as a mother. Tears were falling down her cheeks, but she had the biggest smile on her face. I take a photo of the moment, knowing i would want to cherish it later on. 'She's perfect Lucy.' She says, not taking her eyes off of our daughter. 'She really is.' I say, admiring the pair of them together. 'Come and sit closer to me.' She says, looking up at me and reaching a hand out, encouraging me to take it. 'Are you sure? I dont want to hurt you.' I say, scared of the movement putting her in discomfort. 'Please.' She simply says, so I oblige. I sit to the right of them, wrapping one arm around Keiras shoulder, and using the other to caress the cheek of my child. Keira leans further into me, and i kiss her head softly. 'Thank you so much Keira.' I say full of gratitude. 'For what?' She asks, completely oblivious. 'For giving me the chance to be a mum, and for letting me do it with you.' I say, beginning to get choked up. 'Oh Luce' she says, sitting up and kissing away my tears. 'I wouldn't have wanted to do it with anybody else' she says, tears now falling down her face. This was such an indescribable feeling, the love i felt for the two girls sat next to me was nothing i had ever felt before. I couldnt get enough of them. 'Can we call my mum?' She asks me, as if she needed my permission. 'Ofcourse baby.' After 2 rings we are met with a concerned looking Tracy.
'Keira are you okay darling? Why are you crying what's wrong?' She asks, looking quite concerned and upset. I knew she must be gutted that she couldn't be here. 'Im okay mum, we just have something to show you.' She says, smiling. 'Oh Keira dont, you'll make me ugly cry in the lobby.' She cries. 'Too late.' Keira jokes, the tears still falling. 'Go on darling, show me.' She whispers. Keira points the camera down to show Tracy her new granddaughter, and she lets out a gasp. 'Oh my- she's beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. Oh i see the pair of you in her. Girls i dont have the words.' Her words cause Keira to cry harder, im assuming because she wished her mum was with her. 'How are you though Keira, are you feeling okay?' She asks like the concerned mum she is. 'Im okay, just tired and sore.' She replies, causing me to squeeze her shoulder in support. 'Get some sleep soon, trust me you'll want as much as you can.' She jokes, but Keira doesn't laugh back. I look at her concerned, so does her mum. 'Darling what's wrong?' She asks, worry in her voice. 'I just wish you were here.' She admits, wiping her eyes as more tears fall. I dont want to interrupt the conversation, so i just pull her into me and kiss her forehead. Her hormones were definitely all over the place, which was why she was so sentimental. 'When will you get here?' She asks, desperate to see her. 'Im on the next flight to manchester, currently in Spain, ill be there tonight i promise. Im so sorry i missed it.' She apologises. 'No dont you couldn't have known, i just want to see you.' She says, trying to make her mum feel less guilty. 'I know baby, i love you and im so proud of you. Congratulations to you both, ill be seeing you very soon.' Tracy replies, trying to comfort her daughter. 'Love you too mum, ill see you later.' Keira manages to say, before ending the phone and fully breaking down. I gently pull her back into me, careful not to knock our sleeping child. 'She'll be here soon.' I say, kissing her forehead and using my hand to rub up and down her arm. 'I know, i just wish she could've been here.' She admits, wiping her eyes to get rid of the remaining tears. 'We'll call my mum and then you can get some sleep, by the time you wake up your mum will be here.' I say, a small smile on my face. 'But i dont want to miss anything.' She says, glancing back down at our daughter. 'You wont, if something happens I'll wake you up, deal?' I add on, trying to convince her. 'Fine..' she mumbles, knowing she really needed to get some rest. 'Very good.' I say, proud of myself for getting her to listen too me. 'But before that, we need to pick a name Lucy.' She says, turning her head to look at me. We hadnt really discussed names surprisingly, i mean obviously we had spoken about it but none of the names we suggested really stood out. We sit in silence for a few moments, both of us thinking.
'What about Daisy?' Keira suggests, whispering the name and looking back at the sleeping baby in her arms. 'I really like that Keira.' I whisper to her, also smiling down at our child. 'Yeah?' She looks up at me, a smile on her face. 'Daisy Bronze-Walsh, has a nice ring to it.' I quietly laugh. 'Daisy it is.' She replies, leaning down to kiss her on the forehead. Keira then passes her to me, so i can go and sit in the chair next to Keiras bed whilst she sleeps. She shuffles down in the bed, and brings the covers over her. Her eyes looked like they could fall shut at any moment, yet she didnt close them.

Keira Walshs POV:
My heart was so full of love. The feeling was indescribable, you could only describe it if you had experienced it. Watching the love of my life interact with our daughter was incredible, I couldn't believe it. Despite my eye's feeling extremely heavy, I didn't close them. I wanted to soak up every second of this experience, and watch the two people who i love most in this world. 'What are you doing?' Lucy asks, probably confused as to why im just sat there staring at her. 'I just didn't think i could fall in love with you any more than i did, but I was so wrong.' I admit, the words slipping out of my mouth. I wasn't intending on saying it, but im not mad that i did. The tears start building up in Lucys eyes, but she doesn't let them fall. She simply smiles at me, and then at Daisy. 'Night Lucy.' I say, before allowing myself to fall into a deep slumber. 

'Goodnight Keira.'

Authors note:
-what do you thinkkkk????

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