💌How BOTH siblings would act with your child💌

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(Kid is 4-5 here. Also, it'll be in the future!)

Veneer(obviously he'll be the father because if he wasn't..😧)

He would bring the kid to his shows 24/7 IF you allowed it. The kid wouldn't be out in the audience, because it would get trampled(💀). You would stay backstage with it, watching the performance online by a livestream.

After the performance, you two would go home and the kid would be put to bed by Veneer. He would read them about a famous troll and how he got captured by two (hot) siblings(woah man😜).

(This would be if the trolls never found Floyd and the siblings never went to jail.)

Veneer would want the kid to be away from the troll at all times. If the kid ever found out about what he was doing, he would say it was for a good cause, and that they shouldn't worry. And to keep it a secret from you that they know.

At night, if the kid ever came to your guys's room crying about a nightmare, Veneer would be the first to wake up and put the child back to sleep. If they wanted to sleep in the bed, Veneer would 100% let them squeeze in between you two.

Overall, he's an amazing dad and loves the both of you. 10/10 dad.

Velvet (she's the Auntie for people who don't know🙏)

Rich aunt 100% with over 10k+ followers everywhere on social media. (I mean.. it would technically be canon if they never found Floyd🫡🫡).

During Christmas or their birthday or really any family event, she would get them SO many gifts. Even during a non-present event. She would give them either toys, clothes, or money. Like $200😧.

If you and/or Veneer ever told her to stop getting gifts for them at non-present events, she would sneak at least $50 dollars into their pockets/hands.

She takes pictures of the kid, and sometimes even the kid with their parents(you and Veneer). She can be bossy, though. Like telling you guys how to pose, and how to smile.

Overall, she's a great aunt. She respects your guys's kid, and wishes well for them. 9.5/10 auntie.


TYSM @MakenzieRubenstein for the request! Another sorry before I sleep because I love y'all<33 Bye for now!💌

Veneer(TBT) X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now