💌Things he does while in bed💌

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(Don't think that wrong. I'm talking about sleeping related things, c'mon!)

If you are into book reading, he lays his head on your shoulder and tries to read as well with a bored expression on his face. He gets about 3/4 onto one single page before scoffing and throwing the book off of the bed and cuddling you close.

If your asleep before him, he relaxes the sassy bossy man act for a while and actually smiles while laying close to you.

Spoons you(he's the big spoon) but sometimes the bed gets to hot, so you both move away from each other after a while, but still hold hands under the covers.

If you sleep talk, walk, or whatever he gives you a shocked expression like how Velvet did at the end of the movie. After a while he got used to it, and sometimes follows you around and sometimes replies to you.

Honestly, he even mumbles a few words himself while he sleeps.

Hugs you tightly before softening his grip and relaxing into the bed, still holding onto you.

If you sleep with a nightlight on or any light really, he stays up until your asleep and shuts it off. He cannot sleep with any light on, only when he was a kid.

Sleeps with nature sounds on sometimes. It calms him down even more when he's hugging you.


Hiiiiiii it's me again!! I'm trying to post as much as I can and when I can so I can be entertained with writing and you guys can be entertained too! Hope you guys liked this chapter. Another one coming out today! Anyway, bye!!💌

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