💌How he gets your attention💌

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If your doing something important and focused on something while he's rambling, he would stop talking and just stare at you and wait until you look up.

If you do look up, he would do a 'sassy' like smile before continuing with the conversation, making sure your paying attention this time.

But if you don't look up, he clears his throat very loudly, signaling for you to look up.

If you don't look up a second time, he would walk over to you and take whatever is in your hands(if it's something that can't be picked up, he would try to either turn it off or grab your arm and pull you away from it).

After that he ignores your intense and annoyed stares and carries on with what he was saying😭


Heyy!!! I'm sorry this is a more shorter one, I just didn't know what to do! But hopefully it'll be okay! Bye!!💌

Veneer(TBT) X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now