💌First ever kiss💌

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It would be after you guys got together, but it would take a few weeks for Veneer to hype himself up and go for it.

It's like confessing all over again, but go a bit better? You get what I'm saying.

He would do it in private because everyone (not including Velvet and Crimp, and Floyd. He saw you guys 'jokingly' flirting) doesn't know you guys are a couple yet, and because he would want to be the only one to experience this. Only you two in a room, what could go wrong?.. Right?

After performing, he wasn't thinking. He forgot about the whole private thing and gently kissed you on the lips backstage with stage managers and the little star cameras for the whole city of Mount Rageous to see online.

He immediately would've pulled away and would've left you standing there in shock, not knowing what to do. But you would smiled and giggled lightly as he walked away embarrassed. A bit of blush was covering your cheeks and nose, noting to talk to him.

After about an hour, you would be continuously getting messages on your phone about the video, which causes you to try and find Veneer.

He would be in his room, legs dangling off the bed as he thought about what he did. He had a whole plan set in stone too, why would he mess it up like that?

You knocked on his door, making him say a quiet 'come in'. And you did. Immediately. You basically run in, closing the door behind you then running at Veneer full speed until you collide with each other.

Your arms would be wrapped around his neck as you bury your head into his shoulder, whispering about how much you love him and how amazing it was to feel loved like that.

He would slowly hug back, gently smiling and pulling you tighter. You both stated that way for a few minutes, then decide to talk about it. Just the two of you.

After a few minutes you both just started gossiping. It was random, but Veneer started changing the subject, which causes you to get involved. At this point, you both would have your phones out and scroll until you see the top gossip for that day.

You two laughed and bonded for about thirty minutes until Veneer had to leave again. It was sad, but it was expected. That's when you realized that that's the guy you would be in love with for a long time.

He's the other half of your heart. He loves you, and you love him.


Hiii! It's 11pm at night, so I'm sorry if this preference seems a bit off? Idk, maybe I'm being dramatic, but I'll step it up for next time! See you soon, bye!💌

Veneer(TBT) X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now