💌Velvet wants you two to break up💌

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You guys can request in my Conversations on my page! People have started doing it, so I would like for everyone to start doing that as well. In the comments, it can be a bit confusing, so I would like everyone to do it on my page instead.

Have fun reading!

(Before movie)

Veneer would actually do it💀

He would try to get her to change her mind, but if she didn't, then he would feel like he has to do it.

You two would talk in private, probably in his bedroom. Once he tells you he wants to break up, you stare at him in shock because he was literally obsessed about you. Why the change?

Once you asked why, he would give a random dumbass excuse like, 'I don't like your hair' or 'your teeth are too crooked'. You knew it was bull crap, but didn't say anything further.

He would feel so bad that he would probably beg Velvet for you back. If she still said no, he would cry in his room that night.

If he FINALLY realized that he shouldn't listen to his sister, he would text you and probably(immediately) ask you to come back, that he's sorry, and that it was all Velvet.
If you agreed, he would literally jump from excitement and relief.

But if you didn't, he would realize that Velvet didn't want him to be in a relationship. He would realize that he lost you that night, and that your never coming back.


This one was.. interesting to write😭 i love it though. Thanks for requesting @EmoSimp5 !! Have a good day everyone, bye!!💌

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