Chapter 25

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Naynay PoV

I was talking to my sister on ft! Omg I miss her so much! am so happy I kik her brother who is finee.. but anywhoo K'marie coming back and I have news to tell.

I ended the ft call and sighed. this is going to be so frustrating.
Bæ kissed my neck "Is gonna be alright, you have me and I have you"

I turned around "I know but am so scared, you know she might still love you"

"It doesn't matter because your mine and I doubt she still has feelings" I looked at him.

"Am yours" he said

"And am yours, Terrel" I kissed him then went to go get ready.

Tomorrow gonna be a long day...

Terrel PoV

Wassup my niqqahs, long timee.
After K'marie left I was devastated and I saw Naynay crying so I held her and comfort her then you know a niqqa looked into her eyes and saw something I never saw in Naynay before.. She wasn't tough and shish she was hurt, and full of emotion. She was beautiful.

So we took it slow and became close friends then on my 16th birthday we hit it off and been going strong ever since.

Not gonna lie I still have strong feelings for K'marie, ever since we meet at the park at young age but I had to move on and after everything I needed an angel and Naynay was there.

Now K'marie coming tomorrow my heart pumping and am praying she doesn't have niqqa.

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