Chapter 11

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K'Marie PoV

Time has past and I was still in school dreaming bout home... Terrel went back with Denoke but I don't care no more, is just that Denoka is getting on our nerves.

NayNay has a boy best friend now which is Kenan who is Terrel best friend but Kenan is chill so he doesn't involve himself with foolishness and I think he has a crush on NayNay😂.

Me and Vanessa are building up to a close bond and Jhade is often with NayNay or me, mostly NayNay because they both get in trouble and have fun etc.


Sweat dropped from my head as I strived to the end. mannn I hate bleep test.

"Right guys you will carry on next week but it's end of gym go get ready" we all helplessly limped to the door as NayNay and Jhade skipped to the door.


?? PoV

"Right so her mum is picking her up so we drive by the school" he nodded his head and set his gun. We went over our plan, now to get what's mine.

Usually i would make a new chapter for this but I decided against it so here it is..

K'Marie PoV

It was the end of the day and I am so excited for its my mum birthday. she's going to pick me up so we can shop because later on daddy is taking us out😁.

I tapped the desk impatiently waiting for the bell "K'Marie!!" Miss winter screamed "oh yh" "what is 8*8="

"Erm.... 64.."

"Correct" phew she moved on to the next people.

I really can't wait until she sees the necklace I made for her. And the amount of bags of gift waiting in her room but my favourite gift is my surprise I will save it till the end of the day.


We ran out of the classroom and outside to the playground to wait for our parents.

It started to become cloudy and they were no sound of my mum, or Terrel's mum or NayNay's brother. I started shaking in fear because of how dark it was becoming, NayNay held my hand "don't worry they're coming" but her voice was not as reassuring as before. The teachers that were standing behind us waiting started to gossip. I focused my gaze at the entrance and road but then I saw a black car speeding towards our school.

"Miss why is that black car speeding towards us" they mouths went into a o as they yelled run and duck. I was so confused but Terrel and NayNay understood what was going on. The window went down and bullets flew out of them as we laid behind a fallen table.

After a while the teachers said to come out, by this time I was crying and shaking as fudge.

I then saw my mum and NayNay brother raced towards us. they embraced us including Terrel "are you ok? omg I didn't know it was so dangerous here. baby am so sorry. cmon clean your tears pretty girls don't cry" I smiled and hugged my mum tightly like it would be my last time holding her.

No one PoV

They all walked out the gate heading to Terrel house when the same car came from behind them and shot K'Marie mum head , they all froze as blood blasted every where "mummy!😭" K'Marie cried and knelt down beside her lifeless body.

"Shut your mouth!" The people came out the car and held the children at gunpoint.

😮 "what?! Mum!" Mal angrily screamed (NayNay brother) "she said shut up" Darnell shot Mal in the chest "nooo😮😭" NayNay shouted and ran to Malcom who was gasping for air but her mum took her hand "why are you doing this!" NayNay shouted at her mum face "because I need my man which is K'Marie dad and when I need something I get it"

"What?! You lying bitch that wasn't our plan!" Darnell turned to my mum "ooooh but baby it was my plan. bye" NayNay mum shot him 5 times and he fell to the floor. she pointed her gun to Malcolm who was trying to regain strength "oh Mal Mal mal"

he choked on his word "...hooww cann yoouu be soo cruel don'tt yoou rememberrr when Ittt wass justtt usss andd iiii tolddd yoouu nottt to *cough* worry we would makeee ittt somedayyy" at this point NayNay mum remembered and was near tears "Son I really do love you but I just think you deserve peace than suffer what is on earth" she looked away. BANG.

NayNay cry broke her heart but she had to be strong to get what she wants right.

She put the children in the car "If you tell K'Marie dad that I did this then your all died" the kids all nod in fear.


Anatasia PoV (NayNay mum)

I got myself ready then knocked on the door and K'Marie dad opened it. "Oooh" I cried "why are you all upset come in" we walked in the house and sat in the living room, this house is fine! I can get use to this.

"Where's my wife?" He asked worriedly and I chuckled inside "am here" I said inside my head.

"Ooh she she she"



"She got shot" I said blankly he punched the wall angrily making us jumped I went to console him as tears went down every one face.

After calming him down he finally spoke "We will have a funeral then after I will hunt down the person who did this. thank you Anatasia for being there for helping the kids you and NayNay can stay at the guest room"

"Oh thank you sir" I smiled he stared at me "i feel like i know you " you dont" i said quickly.

"Sir" we looked over at the kids who were mugging me "I don't like monsters can I sleep in NayNay room on the spare bed"

"Sure but why not with your mum" I gave her a threatening look "erm I just don't like her"

"Ohh ok"

K'Marie PoV

Dad took Terrel home who was quiet through all of this but I think he's still in shock. Me and NayNay separately to take our bath then wore pjs, NayNay wore my other one. we sat on the bed thinking as tears went down our faces.

"NayNay today was my mummy's birthday" I croaked "And I was going to give her this" I pulled my drawer and brought out a frame with our picture in Disneyland, my mum was twerking whilst I was laughing eating candy floss and Minnie had a surprise face. The frame said You are my number 1 and I appreciate you, we are more that friends, sister or anything. you are my mum and you are family because ily in family stands for I love you💜

NayNay cried as we cried together in an embrace "i am so sorry" she said softly.

I breathed out in frustration "It's not your fault bestie" we smiled at each other and went to sleep crying softly.
Next chapter is funeral👀 vote and comment💯

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