Chapter 2

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Marymay PoV ( K'Marie mum)

I was dancing along to the radio whilst cooking breakfast for my loves when I notice the clock is one hour late which means we all late. Oh hell naw! My baby not going to be late on her first and we ain't missing work.

"Y'ALL BEST GET YOUR LAZY BUTTS UP FOR SCHOOL/WORK BEFA I GET UP THESE STAIRS, IF Y'ALL ARE STILL SLEEPING UMM HAHA TRUST ME YOU WONT LIKE YOURSELVES NOW I BETA HEAR THE WATER GOING WHOOSH TO INDICATE-" I heard giggling and laugh in which made me go mad what's funny now? I walked into K'Marie room to see her fully dressed and also Marcus (K'Marie dad) in his suit.

"Oooh.. haha morning" I giggled nervously, they laughed at me and gave me kisses on my cheeks "breakfast downstairs serve yourself imma get ready" the raced downstairs and Marcus picked K'Marie and lift her above her head so she stretched her hands out to be a air plane, as I got my work clothes out I heard both of them say "Thank you mummy!" So I relied "your welcome babies", I went to get my hygiene products when my phone flashed and alerted, I read the text and it was my friend saying she will be here in 2mins. "K'Marie get your stuff ready they will be here in 2mims".

Terrel PoV

Me and my ma was walking to a house because my ma wanted to picked the girl up, so she rang the bell and a man opened it he looked kinda like my dad. we entered and I say on the couch waiting as my mum converse with the dad, then in came her mum she was so pretty ( but my mum slays but still), her daughter must be fine then.

Her daughter walked in the living but I couldn't see her face because she got a lot of hair, good cause when she my girl she won't need me to buy her weave. I smiled to myself. "ugh what you smiling about?!" She spat, rude. I looked up at her.. oh hell naw K'Marie!

"Nothing now" i stood and walked to the kitchen "ma she's here now let's go" I said plainly pissed at the fact it's K'Marie then she came into the kitchen "your 8 you can't tell ur ma what to do" I stank looked her "was I telling her what to exac-" my ma popped my head "stop being rude".

Her dad laughed and said "I was being a man" and I nodded. His mum giggled "I think his cute, K'Marie's new boo"

"God forbid😖😪" me and K'Marie screamed. they laughed at us and said our goodbyes then went on our way to school.

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