Chapter 15

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"What!" We all screamed when we saw them enter the court with Denoka following behind.

K'Marie pov

"Hey guys" denoka greeted as the girls mugged us. "These are my friends Lisha, Misky and Aqua" (the girls from school)

"We know" Jhade mugged, "ohh ok I hope things aren't awkward between us, you know when I was little I had a crush on Terrel" she nervously chuckled but she kept looking at Kenan, "It's alright ig" I broke the silence, we all stared at each other.

Kenan wrapped his arms around NayNay and Denoka went red.
"Terrel do you want to go to the movies with me" we stared at Lisha, I looked at Terrel. he looked at me and I glanced at the ground.

"Terrel has plans!" NayNay spat "And Denoka stop staring at Kenan, man stealer"

"You're going out?" Denoka asked Kenan, "of course this is my ride or die right here" NayNay blushed.
"Oh my bad" Denoka smiled "Kenan we can be friends.. for now😏" she whispered the last bit.

"Is you going movie with me or nahh" Lisha demanded.
"Nah, I have better things to do" Terrel answered. "like what!" She screamed "hang out with this thing" she added and point to K'Marie.

K'Marie lunged at her then NayNay stomped her next Jhade started kicking her. "bruhhh" Vanessa exclaimed.

Lisha dragged K'Marie to the floor and pulled her hair. "It's real unlike your ass"
K'Marie pulled Lisha hair and stitches of weave pulled out.

They exclaimed with laughter. The boys pulled the girls away from each other.

"You guys should go" They walked out but in they way walking Lisha shouted "How can you be best friends with the daughter of a murder that killed your mum!"

"See ya later Kenan" Denoka screamed as they all raced out the court.

I screamed in frustration, why are girls fucked up and form enemies because of guys that want nothing with them.

NayNay bust out crying "Am a monster!" We hugged her "it not your fault it was your mum that did it not you"

"Still am her daughter..maybe we shouldn't be friends.. it's not right"

"Noooo! You're part of my life you can't live me. I have no parent since they left me you're the only family I have. Your not my friend you're my sister🌸😢"

"I don't know"

By the way Kenan and NayNay are not official
However Will NayNay be out of this book?

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