Season 1 Chapter 3 : Infiltrate the Everlue Mansion!

Start from the beginning

Lucy : I just moved in, so I don't have anything for entertaining guests. Drink your tea and get out.

Natsu : What a cruel person...

Happy : Aye.

Goku : You're so mean to your guildmates.

Lucy : I'm mean?

Natsu : Oh, I know! You can show us all the key guys you've gathered!

Lucy : They're celestial spirits, not "key guys".

Happy : How many celestial spirits do you have contracts with, Lucy?

Lucy raises her hand and shows off her gate keys to her three friends.

Lucy : Six! And there are different types! These silver keys are sold in stores. Horologium the clock. Crux, the southern cross. Lyra, the harp. These gold ones are super-rare keys that open the Zodiac Gates. Taurus, the golden bull. Aquarius, the water bearer. Cancer, the giant crab.

Natsu : *drooling* A crab?!

Happy : *drooling* Crab!

Goku : *drooling* A bull... Imagine how the beef off that guy's back would taste.

Lucy : Why do they always focus on the weirdest stuff? *to Goku* And didn't you eat an entire mountain of snacks a couple seconds ago? How are you still hungry?!

Suddenly, Lucy remembers that she still hadn't made a contract with the key that she bought in Hargeon.

Lucy : Oh yeah! I still haven't made a contract with the key I bought in Hargeon! Since you're here, I'll show you how a celestial wizard makes a contract with a celestial spirit!

Goku, Happy, and Natsu then crowd around each other as they begin to whisper about what the contract would look like.

Happy : Think they seal contracts with blood?

Goku : Maybe a sacrifice?

Natsu : Sounds painful for her butt.

Lucy : *irritated* Why are you talking about my butt? I can hear you, you know...

With that said, Lucy took out the silver key that she bought back in Hargeon and was about to show her three friends how the contract was made.

Lucy : Just watch. I am connected with the path to the celestial spirit world! Heed my call! Pass through the gate! Open, Gate of the Little Dog! Nicola!

Lucy then uses the silver gate key to summon the celestial spirit to the real world as a small snowman-like creature appears.

Goku, Happy, and Natsu look at the summoned celestial spirit and try to encourage Lucy since the spirit she summoned was so small, they thought she messed up the summoning ritual

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Goku, Happy, and Natsu look at the summoned celestial spirit and try to encourage Lucy since the spirit she summoned was so small, they thought she messed up the summoning ritual.

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