Case #1: Alice part 1

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A few weeks would pass by, shadow's Kiss would be put on delay due to the events that happened with Takashi. Kibe would continue with school, not making any moves or doing much of anything. He figured since he's in the PSIA now, that it'd better to watch his moves from now one. Not that he wasn't already.

Mr.Nakayama and Mr.Miyuki however, continued to do they're own investigations into Kibe still, but having him around more made that difficult. The double edged sword was beginning to show itself. Brandon Wright on the other hand had been making a name for himself amongst the force.

Complaints rose dramatically about him, stalking other coworkers when leaving work, sleeping in weird places and even interrupting interrogations with suspects on other cases. Cheif of police had to almost suspend him on the first week. However some good things did come from Brandon, after being asked to take the PSIA and FBI test, he took them and got a solid 100% score rate on all of them. The language barrier didn't stump him at all.

Brandon's physical test weren't anything special, but still acceptable. He is a remarkable agent. When Nin came him to the office to give Brandon a second psych eval, she described him in a few words to Mr.Nakayama afterwards. Calling Brandon; unscrupulous, unethical, dishonest and even said a lot of his actions always seem...premeditated. like every word he said was something he had given thought to. Later on though, Brandon would grow a fascination with one of the cases in the PSIA's catalog. One that was deemed "impossible" and unsolvable by legal means. He had laid down some theories previously before and even spoken to Mr.Nakayama on getting on the case.

Kibe and Brandon were sitting down in Mr.Nakayama's office with Mr.Miyuki standing near by. Mr.Nakayama's moved from them to the case file in front of him. He leaned back in his chair.

"I see, so you both have agreed to take on the case of imaginary killer case. A case with no suspects and with no leads.

The quick summary of the case is as follows. A little girl in Kobe; Nishinomiya. Name is Ikuko Endō. Age 6, Ikuko has been a bit of a psychic in this case. A few days before the killing started, Ikuko's mother had brought her and her daughter into a police station saying that Ikuko had been drawing some strange pictures in her classes.

Pictures of people dying that she didn't know. She would write their names on the top left of her drawings and then would draw that person dying either via a gun or stabbing. In her own words "My imaginary friend tells me when the bad things will happen.".

Every time she has drawn one of those pictures, someone has died.

So far in the 3 - 5 months the case has been active. No leads have been discovered or when they are, lead to dead-ends.

Thats what the case file says." Mr.Nakayama said

"Thanks for the rerun through it. I assume that's all there is on the case as of this time.

I'm aware there is a officer whose familiar with the case. A man by the name of, officer Takahiro Itō." Kibe said as Brandon was sucking on his thumb in the next chair.

"Mmmm, the possibility of the imaginary killer being a police officer is too obvious. Its not a good angle." Brandon said

"And why is that? One of the many professions that criminals, especially sociopaths and psychopaths like to take are things related to law enforcement and psychiatry.

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