26. Papa...I mean Mr. Kundra

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"With people our relation and its name changes with time but the emotonal attachment remains the same"

They both were looking into each other's eyes with Dia having tears in them while soft smiles plastered on their faces. Dia placed her chin over his chest looking at him still and he finding her cute like this pecked her lips gently. The flower petals all of a sudden rains on them and they both giggled together.

"Congratulations for our first official date!", she mouthed, caressing his one cheek and pecking the other. 

She took his hand in hers and took him to their dinner table. It was beautifully set with food casseroles all ready to dive in. She pulled out a chair for him, treating his men with equality. Krish raised his brows feeling proud and then she went to her side. She opened the casserole and served pasta on his plate making him look at her.

"What?? I didn't want any fancy food but a comfortable one", she said and he nodded with a smile.

She then served Caesar salad and garlic breadsticks toast to him. He was content with this plate and dug into it feeling damn hungry. Few minutes ago he told Dia that the apology wasn't needed but to be honest it made his heart at ease and more than that this surprise dinner date said it all. The insecurities tightening his heart left him fully and he was at relief. He was content and sure somewhere in his heart that this time he won't be heartbroken at the end. 

They had their dinner with all their heart and shared about their day. Dia skipped Karan and his name from her whole day's story as if he doesn't exist only. And that made Krish happy and smiling the whole time which made her smile.

Aa the dinner came to the end she revealed her dessert which was coffee mug chocolate cake. Dia at her friend's boutique made it for him for the first time like he cooks and so was a little anxious to let him taste. With a nervous smile she passed the cup to him, astonishing him. She then informs that it's made by her and he feels a ticklish sensation in his tummy. 

"When did I get so lucky?", he blabbered.

"What do you mean? Haven't I cooked before or what?", she seethed.

"You have… like ages ago but anyways let's have a bite", he chuckles and she flares her nose.

She desperately waits for him to give the feedback while he feels lost as the chocolate liquid flows in his mouth after a large spoon of bite. Krish loved it but his facial expressions said something else making Dia's smile fall and she got upset. 

"It.. it was good or should I say I have loved it", he said in a serious tone.

Dia felt sorry for a second but when her brain processed it she threw her napkin at him and huffed. She crossed her arms near her chest and turned her face away. Krish, smiling apologised to her and they ate their dessert with laughs and hearts. Till it got finished suddenly music blasted in their ears and they knew downstairs someone else was having a date as well. Both giggled together and then he extended his hand for dance. Dia took it and they both danced in a romantic way when the song changed again killing the love in the air and some funky energetic song was played.

Both looked at each other flabbergasted and bursted into blisters of laughter. And it became more loud as the downstairs couple joined them as well with speakers in their hands. They did a full on crazy dance showing their own unique talent and hook steps. And at the end feeling tired after dancing for an hour or more they all sat together on the floor. They all recalled their old memories from school to college then their time together working and staying time.

"It's been such a long time that we danced and laughed like this, right?", Krish said, still gasping for air.

"Yes… and it still feels so fresh and new!", Farha exclaims.

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