12. Amma and Guilt

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"You can lie to the world, but can't hide from the motherly eyes"

Author's POV

"I know you are my Dia... my barbie!!!", she said.

A gasp left her lips and her jaw dropped with eyes wide open. Amusement was all written on her face making blood run out of her face and was left white. She stood up at a lightning speed, her body froze and eyes popped out. It took her a whole minute to digest, swallow, process and get back to normal again.

"I'm not what you think", she said with a lump in her throat.

That was the only thing she could mutter and break eye contact, passing her side. But was stopped as Amma held her hand and made her face her again.

She gulped the lump this time and with utter hesitation looked at her but couldn't see in her eyes. They were screaming something loud and clear making her feel uneasy and she thought it to be right to avoid looking in her eyes straight.

"Don't worry it will be our secret and I won't tell anyone. But keep coming to meet this oldy… I missed you a lot my child", she muttered and caressed her head.

Tears pricked in her eyes and by its own her honey brown eyes met with hers. She smiled delightedly and left, giving a light press to her palm. While she just stood there frozen and a lone tear rolled down her eyes to her cheeks which were heated by now. It took her a brief moment to get back to her normal self and when she looked up she saw Amma was guided by two lady's and they were taking her inside.

She was about to go behind her when the NGO caretaker came to her side and seeing her looking at Amma smiled.

"Amma's health is not good nowadays and she has even stopped talking like before after Dia left. She was really connected to her and loved her the most like her own child", grabbing her attention she said.

"You know their bond was so special that without any bloodline relationship that one day at the middle of night she started screaming and crying for Dia. After a few days, we got to know she is no more alive", she turned her head to look at her.

Tears gathered back in her eye bags and a turmoil developed in the pit of her stomach. A heaviness was what she felt inside her chest and silently stared at the caretaker wanting to hear more.

"Amma was broken after that news and she totally shutted herself down after that day. But again after a month or two she spoke for the first time saying her Dia is alive. And she will be back to her Amma… soon", and this word made a lone tear escape her eyes.

She quickly wiped that tear and inhaling deeply passed a smile at her.
"And after that day her talk was only for Dia, she only talks about her and all she wants is to see her", saying that the caretaker herself wiped her tears.

"I hope wherever ma'am is, she is happy and if she is alive like what Amma says. I wish all the happiness in this world for her. May her sinners get their punishment!", she said.

The caretaker herself got emotional as she recalled the smiling face of Dia, hiding her pain with the strong and hard look. She was never scared of anyone nor was she a weak person. She always knew how to fight and overcome the problem, but destiny played an unfair game every time with her. Even today, when she was supposed to be happy, alive and smiling here with everyone, she is just recalled in people's memories which tore their heart apart.

Divya had her eyes teary and cheeks wet hearing all this. But when the caretaker looked at her and passed a tight lipped sweet smile she passed a light smile too. The caretaker then informed her that she wanted to discuss something important and thus came here to call her inside the office but got stuck in talks. She nodded her head affirmation and gestured through her hands 'after her' and she walked ahead. Divya quickly wiped off her tears and went behind her inside the office.

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