22. News Flash

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"The seed you sow for other's sometimes gets back to you being a venomous poison"



"Kundra Industries to be at death end"


"Kundra Industries now about to meet a new owner"


"Mr. Karan Kundra no more the owner of his own empire"


"Karan Kundra loses his shares in Kundra Industries. Was he facing losses to let go of his shares like this?"


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Everywhere the news was spreading like a fire in the jungle. It was now the hot talk of town while the person who was actually on every news channel was nowhere found.

His son and wife were unable to go anywhere being caged in their own mansion which was suffocating them. Riya was getting tremendously triggered by all the gossip in her friend and social circle. She was forced to get herself locked indoors to be frustratingly grumpy and irritated. Her sleep was taken away and peace didn't existed anymore. She was going through a hella life. While her in-laws were tensed and worried for their children.

Who is this damn new owner?
And where is Karan?

Karan's phone was not reachable, making everyone go crazy. His team, his secretary, his board members, wife, mother and son all were trying to call him. They were searching for a medium to get him but it wasn't possible. No one knew where he was or where he disappeared suddenly. And it made his family fear thinking maybe he was disappointed in him after this and decided to disappear in thin air. He hid himself from the world feeling ashamed of himself and that made the paparazzi make a new headline.


After such a big failure in his work and losing everything, Mr. Karan Kundra gets underground. 

He's been missing from one night earlier the news of him being a loser and losing everything were on air.

Where is Mr. Kundra?

Is he in shock?

Is he even alive?

Where can he be?

These kinds of news were rolling everywhere making it a torture of his family. They couldn't connect to him anyways and that was a headache already. But seeing this kind of news made their heart stop and the pressure low and high. It was making them restless while Riya was already in a zone of losing her shit.



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Dia went to India and as per her wish Krish got her, her house, her Dad's mansion in a day and she went flying there. Lots of things were in the back of her head when she decided to go back to India all alone though no one was ready to leave her. But she insisted and came all alone to face her worst memories and best memories again. As everything started from here itself whether it be her childhood or her separation, wedding or betrayal, kidnapping or something else. It all happened here in Mumbai and she wanted to face that all together by herself.

The plane landed in sometime and as she stepped out of the flight a wave of emotion hit her. There goes a quick recap in front of her eyes as she gets down the steps, takes her car and gets the ride started. But everything comes to a stop as she goes through the familiar lane which takes her home. Only her dad and mom came in front of her eyes and that sweet dangling smile flashed on her lips. 

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