17. Nightmare

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"Nightmares are just not a nightmare to be called.
As sometimes they become the reality you faced or will be facing as well"

Krish was standing in the balcony thinking various thoughts to get Dia out of this past which doesn't let her live in peace. He can fight with the world for her but doesn't know how to fight with the pondering thoughts of her past. He can ruin Karan, Riya and even kill that abductor of her whom he is still finding but how to fight with her old self. 

Those memories didn't just leave an impact on her life or herself but her body as well. She still gets tensed to get herself seen in the mirror. She gets consious about her own body which she grew up with from her birth and tries to hide those faded marks and fine lines of those old bruises and cuts with concealer. 

She doesn't allow herself to be touched or revealed in front of anyone without that concealing; it makes her uncomfortable. And that day when she just let him kiss her, hug her and cuddle at night he was perplexed. It was her first unexpected step she took for him. She was finally trusting him with all her self not fully but still and today he failed to protect her. She tried to get out of that shell and he was beyond the happiness and joy he could ever feel. But now that he witnessed her in this state he doubts if she would be living a normal life as a normal person. He doubts if she would let herself be calm and free around him again. 

The pros and cons were still going inside him like a hurricane making things in disorder and it tensed him more. His blood pressure was getting low making the nerves of his brain worked up intensely stressful. When he hear Dia suddenly screaming and asking for her to be left alone.

Krish ran to get near her pushing every muddle in his brain with his heart thumping aloud hearing those screams. But when he saw her acting reluctant to get herself save from getting beaten it frozed his legs like a jello. He studied how she was trying to protect herself throwing her hands in air and trying to cover herself but failed though there was nothing around her but only her on bed and him standing away.

Is she going through those scary dreams again?

What has she actually gone through?

And how much?

Why does it still make her body tremble and dreams assaulting?

When will my Dia be happy and smiling after seeing a dream God? When will all this come to an end?

How much more does she need to suffer?

A lone tear escaped his eyes seeing her trembling, pleading, screaming in pain and crying. She was asking for sorry from her traitor for something she hasn't done and that was for his loss in business. She was asking him to stop that hunter while joining her hands pleading badly and it made him take two steps backward. What kind of a person he was? Why? Why God??

Why my Dia needs to suffer always? 

I.. I only stand at side and see her suffering like this. 

He was still unable to find out the actual truth and only knows or has heard whatever she blurted when she was in sleep having a nightmare. It makes his blood boil everytime he sees her like this and whatever she blurts makes him go insane. He feels like finding that bastard now and killing him 1000 times with his own bare hands. He wishes so badly to make that person feel sorry for every assualt or torture he did on her when she didn't deserved even a inch of it. He wants that man that monster to beg for his death infront of him and he still tortures and strangles him till his last breath. He so badly wishes but whenever he sends his people in search of him they all say he is dead. But he believes he is not for some reason and thus his men's are still on that work finding that bastard in every country and state.

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