Silver Linings

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Tucker: I think we should listen to this guy Captain, he seems to know plenty about being offensive.

Past Church: Can it, shitbird.

Tucker: See?

Flowers: Men your delightful tomfoolery puts a spring in my step, and a bounce in my britches. If I weren't your commanding officer I'd pick you three up, give you a giant bear hug and make you call me Daddy.

Past Church: Uhm... thank God for the chain of command?

Rayner: Come anywhere near me and I'll punch you. Touch me and I'll tear your arm off.

Flowers: Now. I know you're worried about our mission. But I can tell you this. There's nothing, more important to me, than the safety, and well-being, of my men. Or my name, isn't Captain. Butch. Flowers.

Tucker: Does that mean we all get Sniper Rifles?

Flowers: I'm gonna put in an order for yours tomorrow, Private Tucker. But I need to get some shut-eye first.

Tucker: Awesome. But it's like three-fifteen in the afternoon.

Past Church: You're forgetting about the time change, Tucker.

Tucker: Oh yeah, it's like three-eighteen. Why the hell is daylight savings time here only three minutes?

Rayner: Why do we even need daylight savings time on another planet?

Flowers: Good question, Private Tucker and Private Rayner. It'll have to wait for another day, some of us need our beauty sleep. Not everyone has your striking metrosexual good looks.

Tucker: That's true.

Cut to Future Church behind a rock, watching the situation

Future Church: Holy crap, Captain Flowers is still alive. Oh man, I might be able to fix everything at once.

Cut to Flowers inside Blue Base

Flowers: Huh, and now to go to sleep, standing up with my eyes open, as is my custom.

Future Church: Captain Flowers!

Flowers: God, don't sneak up on me like that, can't you see I'm sleeping?

Future Church: Sorry Sir, look, I know you probably don't remember me that well.

Flowers: Course I remember you Church, I just saw you two minutes ago.

Future Church: Oh right. Yeah, it's uh, it's been longer for me. Anyway, there's no nice way to put this, but you're gonna die of a massive heart attack tonight.

Flowers: That doesn't sound like me. I'm a team player.

Future Church: And I can't tell you how I know this, but I need you to take this injection, so that you can live, and together we can beat the Reds. That way a lot of really weird, and totally inexplicable stuff won't happen.

Flowers: I don't understand anything you just said, and I've only known you for a short time. But go ahead and inject me, Private Church.

Future Church steps up and injects Flowers in the wrist for some reason

Flowers: Thank you son. Feeling much bett- ...better. ...Agh.

Future Church: What. What's the matter?

Flowers: That medication, it didn't have... ungh... Aspirin in it, did it? I'm allergic to... Aspirin.

Future Church: Umm...

Red vs Blue : Mirage Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora