Silver Linings

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Sarge: What now?

Grif: Command's on the phone, they want to talk to you about some kind of upcoming delivery!

Sarge: Dag, nabbit! I'm never gonna finish this mechanized robot at this rate! I'll be right there. Now don't you go anywhere Lopez... Hee hee heh heh.

Future Church arrives next to Lopez after Sarge runs in to the base

Future Church: Ahhh, it's good to be back here. It's been a long t- Ah who'm I kidding, even a thousand years doesn't make this dirthole any more appealing. Oh what the hell, wh, he stuck me at Red Base. It must be way before Tex shows up, the robot isn't even done yet. Hurry up and get finished buddy, I'm gonna need that body pretty soon. (looks down) What's that... (sees two switches, one significantly larger than the other, and kicks dirt on the smaller one) You just got an upgrade pal.

Church runs off as Sarge returns

Sarge: Oh no, how did all this dirt get in Lopez's switch? It better not short out when I use it. Could take out both the leg motors.

Cut to Church running somewhere

Future Church: I wonder just how early I am.

Cut to Past Church and Rayner on Blue Base.

Past Church: Did they come out!? Tucker!

Tucker: (in standard blue armor; out by the teleporter receptacle in the Gulch) What!?

Past Church: Did it come out the other side!?

Tucker: Yeah, but they're all black and smoking! Maybe you've got it turned up too high!

Rayner: Hmmm, maybe the power input is too much.

Past Church: What're you talking about, I don't see a knob or anything on this thing. Hey, you think I could throw a grenade through here!?

Tucker: What? that would never work!

Teal Soldier: Hey men, sorry to interrupt, would you mind huddling up fellas?

Tucker: Be right there, Captain Flowers.

They all gather up around Captain Flowers.

Flowers: How are you adjusting to the climate here on Blood Gulch, Private Church?

Past Church: Fine. Little warm, but, okay.

Flowers: That's great. You have any problems at all, you let me know.

Past Church: Umm... Okay.

Tucker: What's up Sir?

Flowers: Sir, Tucker... I told you to call me Captain, or Cappy, er... I don't want silly things like rank to interfere with our team dynamic.

Tucker: You got it, Cappy.

Rayner: I am not calling you that. Ever.

Flowers: I think I'm commanding the finest army, in all of Blood Gulch.

Tucker: Isn't there only one other army, those red guys?

Past Church: Yeah, you know, the enemy?

Flowers: I'll tell you who your enemy is, gentlemen. Apathy. Passivity. Indifference. ...And yes, also those red guys.

Past Church: Yeah I've been thinking about our orders from Command... uh, Cappy. And I gotta tell you, I don't think four guys is enough to stage such an elaborate offensive.

Red vs Blue : Mirage Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora