Chapter 3

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2000 hours standard time

As the instructor and Jaune approached the mat, Jaune could see a faint outlive of a person, a tall person. 'Wait, is that Lieutenant Commander Kurt Ambrose!' 'And why does he have Crocea Mors and another sword and shield?' "Cadet G027, you have been selected to train with me after dinner at this time to train in sword fighting, is this understood?" "Sir yes sir." "Good, instructor, you are dismissed, Jaune, I was told that you teleported through a slipspace portal with the sword and shield you call Crocea Mors, am I correct?" "Yes sir." "Do you have any experience with sword fighting?" 'They don't know that I'm actually 19 so I need to lie.' "No sir." "As expected, Crocea Mors is now bullet and hopefully plasma proof, so it will be effective in cqc." "Now, I will teach you the basics of sword and shield fighting." 

Kurt proceeds to explain sword fighting, sword deflecting and blocking,  shield blocking, shield parring, shield bashing, and a multitude of other techniques. After every lesson comes a spar. Kurt times Jaune to see how long he lasts against him. And afterward, he corrects any mistakes and spars again. This continues until 2130 hours, where Jaune is to give Crocea Mors to Kurt and return to his sleeping quarters. 

This schedule continues with, breakfast, exercise, classes, lunch,  firing range, wrestling, and cqc, dinner, sword and shield sparring, and sleep. Occasionally there is a team building exercise thought this doesn't happen until months into the training regiment. 

5 months later

"All from G001 to G100 are to immediately go to the front of the 'the battleground' at 1230 hours, there will be instructors to guide you to 'the battleground'". "Huh, I wonder what that is?" Jaune asks to his group. "No idea, but I get the feeling that we are going to get teams today." Jack responds. "What makes you say that?" Macy asks. "Call it a hunch." Jack says. 

All 330 cadets arrive at the battleground on time. Kurt, flanked on either side by Lucy and Tom, states, "You will be put into teams of five." "These teams will be the teams you stick by for the rest of you life." "You will put your teammates lives above your own." "IS THIS UNDERSTOOD?" "SIR YES SIR!" the sea of cadets respond. "Good, now, we will select teams at random, so don't come crying to me if you got placed with someone you don't like." 'So these are like huntsman teams except they are comprised of five individuals instead of four.' Jaune thinks. "When I say your number step forward." "The first team will be comprised of Cadet G001, Cadet G094, Cadet G073, Cadet G092, and Cadet G028." "Your team name will be team Crimson." A group of instructors came ant let them to the left side of the battleground. 

"Alright, again, if I say your number, step forward, Cadet G094, Cadet G062, Cadet G055, Cadet G019, and Cadet G043." Kurt said. " Your team name will be team Longsword." They were escorted to the right side of the battleground.

As they approached the right side of the battleground, the land suddenly shifted until there were fake trees and ruins scary all around. "You will be given paint ball guns that simulate MA37s or MA5Ks, depending on which of the two you are most proficient with." The scenario is the opposite team has valuable information. You are to go and retrieve it. When you are hit, enough to where your fake shields are down and you are incapacitated, you are eliminated." First to retrieve the opponent's intel will win, the losing team will run laps." This wear on for two hours of teams being assembled and put against each other until there were only 10 cadets. 

"Cadet G100, Cadet  G027, Cadet G005, Cadet G006, and Cadet G012, henceforth you will be team Yellow, move to the left side of the battleground." Kurt said. "Cadets G009, G078, G070, G051, and G078, now you will be known as team Highlander, move to the right side." The battleground shifted until it looked like a war torn city. Jaune, Macy, and Jack were equipped with an MA5K, while G005 and G100 were equipped with MA37s. "Your scenario will be search and destroy. You will actively search for the opposing team and take them out. Last team standing will wing and get bragging rights, the loser will run laps with all of the other losers. BEGIN!"

All of the cadets on team Yellow stayed together covering corners and checking behind themselves, while team Highlander split into two teams of three and two, to cover more ground and get intel of where the opposition was. " I saw movement up ahead, proceeded with caution." whispered Jack. This was understood by everyone on team Yellow. G100 spotted G070, lying out of a window, while G078 cleared the rooms close to the room where G070 was. "They're in the building in front of us about 70 meters away in the uppermost room." "Acknowledged G100, move in quietly." Team Yellow creeped up the stairs and found the room. They immediately blasted the two cadets and took no casualties. Though Jack's shield was broken it would recharge soon. Eventually the remnant of team Highlander caught a glimpse of Jack's broken shield and decided to push. Team Yellow took refuge in a small building that had collapsed on itself, providing some shelter. Suddenly team Highlander busted the rotten door down, finishing of Jack, a fire fight broke out we're Jaune's shield broke, but took out a enemy, things were looking grim for team Yellow as G100 and G005 were taken out of action. Macy pulled out of combat to help Jaune, while she repaired his shield, he provided overwatch, making sure that when the came through the door, they would be eliminated. Soon enough they busted the door down but were met with paint to the face. They were promptly eliminated. 

Team Highlander and all other losing teams were rounded op as the battleground beagle a flat plane of grass.

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