Chapter 2

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Onyx is a planet similar in nature to Earth and Remnant in theft that it was mostly a green planet with a deep blue ocean, countless streams and rivers, and clouds out in the atmosphere. But the planet held a secret, it wasn't't known to the general populace due to it being the location of the Spartan-III project. On Onyx, there was a training camp called Camp Currahee, which stands for stand alone, a fitting name for its purpose. 

The Destiny's Call approached the planet, just out of range for pelican drop-ships to be able to reach the planet's surface. But they weren't going to reach the ground, not yet.

Kurt came in the playpen and separated the 330 children into 11 groups of 30. Even with 11 groups, the pelican was still crowded, as the two instructors had to wade there way through the sea of children. Everyone was given a parachute, and the instructor tole everyone how to use them. He repeated himself 2 more times. "Alright, you go first." as an instructor pointed at a child. The boy had to steel his nerves before he dropped. "Now you go." A girl this time dropped. This continued until it was Jaune's our to jump "Blonde, your up." As Jaune peered over the edge, he suddenly remembered his air sickness. But this was it, he had to do this, he had to become whatever a Spartan was because then he would be a hero, a defender of humanity. So he jumped. As soon as he reached the designated height, he pulled the parachute with no problem. But he remembered a key thing, how to land. At least this time he had a parachute so it wouldn't hurt as much. But when his legs touched the ground, is aura flashed. "Huh, funny that, I still have my aura, even thought I couldn't sense anyone else aura, do people not have aura here... I mean James didn't know what I was talking about when I mentioned aura." "Come on Jaune, you need to keep moving, I would hate to see the bad side of those spartans and Mr. Mendez." 

"Kurt Ambrose 051 here sir." said Kurt. "At ease Spartan, I came here to talk about G027, and his 'weaponry'." stated Franklin "Ah, the sword and shield, what about them?" "Have you ever wielded an energy sword?" "Yes sir." "Good, I think it would do some good to have a Spartan with an unbreakable weapon, will you train G027 on how to wield his weapon?" "I will sir, I will reserve extra time with his to have a one on one extra curricular of training, sparring, and teaching him how to properly wield a sword." "Good, you are dismissed attend to the trainees." "Yes sir."

Jaune made it to the base with no trouble as he just followed the kid in front of him. Eventually a sort of conga line was formed to reach the base. When he got there, he immediately tracked down his only friends here. Eventually after searching, he found both of them sitting at a table with only a few others. "Found you two." Jaune said. "Ahh, oh hey Jaune." Macy told him startled. "Hi Jaune" Jack said. They sat there chatting until Kurt, the exercise instructor came out an yelled "STAND UP CADETS AND MOVE!" Everyone stood up immediately and ran. They ran for miles, some passing out and needing to be put on stretchers, but Jaune had an unfair advantage of having aura so he wasn't as exhausted as the other trainees/cadets (I will henceforth be calling then cadets). And he needed that unfair advantage, as the next exercises was like living hell. Push-ups, sit-ups, and planks took more to the infirmary, but still Jaune persevered and completed the exercise. 

After all of that, the remaining cadets were moved to classrooms with 10 individuals each, all taught by an A.I called Deep Winter, and A.I which took the from of an old man with a cane and snow stirred around him. He taught of the original spartans of Greece, and all of there feats, including how they were able to hold off the Persian horde with superior tactics and of holding a strategic choke point. Jaune was immersed with the lesson, as it reminded him of Pyrrah. 

The cadets were then directed to the range to learn how to accurately shoot a variety of rifles. They started with the standard issued MA5K:


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"CADET G239, HOLD THAT FIFLE STRAIGHT!" "CADET G167, ARE YOU EVEN AIMING, HIT THE TARGET!" "CADET G086, BARREL DOWN RANGE AT ALL TIMES OR YOU WILL BLOW SOMEONES HEAD OFF!" Tom-B292 yelled. They later tried a variety of weapons, but Jaune fell in love with the look and the feel of the MA5K. 

Then they were all directed to a mat in an open field, next to the mat were two people, Lucy- B091, and a translator, as Lucy was mute. They were instructed on how to wrestle correctly, and then were instructed to face off against one another. This continued until it was time for dinner made up of only, you guessed it, MREs. But to them, it was like eating food from God himself after what they just went through. 

Then everyone was escorted to their sleeping quarters. Everyone except for Jaune. "Cadet G027, report to the mat, an instructor will guide you there." Jaune was terrified. 'Was it something I did, or are they kicking me out, or is it something else.' Jaune's brain was going a million miles an hour. "Cadet G027, follow me." dictated an instructor. 'What did I do?'

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