Chapter 24

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When Jaune, Jun, Carter, and Emile exited the vault, there eyes were met with a sight straight out of a horror film. All of New Alexandria was on fire with pools of lava covering the ground. The glassing of Reach had begun. Carter lit a blue flare, signaling their position. A Pelican soon came by and picked them up. 

Sword Base, Babd Catha Ice Shelf, Eposz  August 29, 2552. 2616 Hours

Jaune can be seen walking on a dirt hill, surrounded by mountains that looked like they were on Mars. "Noble One, this is Noble Actual. Noble One?" Holland says. "Go ahead." Carter responds. "We need that base taken out son. Whats your status?" Holland asks. "Still outside, thermal on the interior shows standing-room only. We're going to half to thin 'em out or they will be too popular." "Copy that Noble One, Holland out." Jaune hops the hill near where the camera is. Behind that hill are some ODSTs. "We got a job to do. So lets stay focused and get it done. Six, are you in position?" Carter asks. "Affirmative." Jaune affirms. "Good, execute." Operation Torch and Burn was now underway. 

Jaune and the ODSTs sneaked through the swamp, making sure to hide in ruined buildings. With a turret placed high up on a hill, the team couldn't afford to go loud, so sneaking through closer to the turret, Jaune lined up a shot with his MA5K and made ready. The moment the shot was fired, a gas pack flew off a grunt and the rest were sent into a panic, making easy pickings for the ODSTs and Jaune. The area was cleared with no casualties so the moved on to take down the aa-guns. 

Further along the sandy path, the group encountered a Scorpion tank just lying there (developers most likely wanted an excuse to add a tank section and I don't blame them) The squad hopped inside. With the ODSTs manning the main cannon and machine guns, Jaune drove forward. When a sniper tower came into view, the ODSTs didn't want to so they destroyed it and the two Jackals up there. Many Banshees stood in there way, but all were met with a fiery explosion. 

Soon after the ridge line came into view, and with it, came the two aa-guns. Jaune and the ODSTs encountered Banshees and even an Wraith tank, but simply all exploded beneath the guns of the Scorpion tank. The weak points on the aa-guns were exposed, so with a well placed shot, each went down. The Falcons were soon called in. The Scorpion tank pressed on. 

The Falcons soon encountered resistants at the gate , forcing the Scorpion to blow a lot of holes into Covenant vehicles. The gate was to small to continue pressing on with the tank, so jaune sadly had to leave it behind. 

The rest of Noble team was in a pinch at the front of the building, so Jaune sprinted and drew Crocea Mors. Emile blasted and Elite in the chest, weakening it so that Jaune was able to get a clean slice through the torso. Another Elite charged at Jaune with an energy sword, but Jun popped its head open. Carter took out the remaining grunts and Jackals with his Magnum. Noble team drove deeper into the base. 

Having to go through matinence to continue, Noble team slaughter those who stood in the way, but were soon given different coordinates. Moving through the ruins of a main connection area, Noble team finds the second Zealot and Jaune, remembering Kat, charges under immense fire, while Jun, Carte, and Emile have to lay covering fire for him. Jaune reaches the Elite and breaks his gun with one clean slash, and taking his head with the next. Noble team continue to go down the coordinates received. Jaune finds the gate and opens it up with the keypad next to it.

They find a white room with corpses next to a box, they most likely took cover. "Looks like they got themselves cornered." Jun remarks. "Or were committed to the position." Carter adds. "I'm going with cornered, there's nothing here." Emile says. "No load bearing coulombs either." Jun notices. "Sir, if were supposed to blow up this place, this ain't the place to do it." "Dot, check your vector." Carter orders. "Vector confirmed Commander, we are precisely where ONI has directed... apologies, coordinates revised, please confirm?" Aunty Dot asks. "Revised!?" "By and A.I. of unknown origin, whose clearance is well above my own." "Well its clearly junk as it's pointing us a click and a half east and two thousand feet underground." Jun states. "I didn't bring my shovel Commander." Emile quips. "Sir, I say we go A.I. free on this one. The longer we go chasing this..." Jun is interrupted by a noise like a door is moving. Immediately all of Noble team either pull to a weapon, Jaune with his MA5K and Carter with his MA37, or aim down sights, Emile with his M90 shotgun, and Jun with his DMR. A door, previously not fully closed due to a poor marine, opens to reveal a dimly lit path. "What is this Dot?" Carter asks. "Our revised route Commander." Aunty Dot reveals." Alright, we came this far." Carter says and orders Noble team to go down the path.

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