Chapter 28

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The UNSC Pillar of Autumn is seen flying through the vastness of space, just after escaping Reach. "Cortana, all I need to know is did we lose them?" Keyes asks. "I think we both know the answer to that." Cortana responds. Then we see Keyes sitting at the observation deck. "We made a blind jump, how did they..." "Get here first, Covenant ships are always faster." "As for tracking us all the way from Reach, at light-speed my maneuvering options were limited." "We were running dark yes?" "Until we decelerated. No one could have missed the hole we tore in sub-space. They were waiting for us on the far side of the planet." "So where do we stand?" "Our fighters are mopping up the last of there recon picket now. Nothing serious. But I've isolated approach signatures from multiple CCS class battle groups...make it three capitol ships per group, and in about 90 seconds they'll be all over us." "Well thats it then, bring the sip back up to combat alert Alpha. I want everyone at their stations." "Everyone?" "Everyone." And Cortana, lets give the Spartans a warm welcome." "I've already begun." 

We then cut to a Marine waving two glowing blue stink, signaling of commands to someone. "Attention all combat personnel, please report to your action-station." Cortana's voice booms all over the area. "5th platoon, secure air locks on deck II. 14th platoon, rendezvous with 22nd tactical at bulkhead Charlie 14." Cortana orders. We the see a Warthog move past Scorpion tanks and past a certain Sergeant. "You heard the lady, move like you got a purpose!" Stg. Johnson orders. Marines line up shower to shoulder in two rows. 

He walks down the center and says "Men, we let those dumb bugs out to the middle of nowhere to keep them from getting their FILTHY claws on Earth. But we discovered something they're so hot for that there scrambling over each other to get it. When I don't care of it God's out, anti-son-of-a-bitch machine or a giant hula hoop, were not gonna let them have it! What we will let 'em have, is a belly full'a lead and a pool of their own blood to drown in!" He reaches the end and turns around. "AM I RIGHT MARINES!?" "SIR, YES, SIR!" the marines yell back. "Mmm-hmm, damn right I am, now move it double time!"

"Attention all personnel, we are engaging the enemy. External and internal combat imminent." Cortana says. Marines rush out to get to their positions. "All you greenhorns who wanted to see Covenant up close... this is gonna bey your lucky day." 

We then see two  cryotechs working on unthawing the master chief and the silver knight. "Right, lets thaw'em out." the lead tech says. "Ok, bringing low level systems online. Cracking the case in thirty seconds." We then pan out to see two cry pods where Jaune and John lay. (John will be called Chief or Master Chief for discerning sake) "Their hot, blowing the pins in five." The pods open up and Jaune and John hop out. 

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