Chapter 18

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In order to destroy the spire, the shields need to be powered down, Jaune stealthily infiltrated the front, where the Covenant forces there were distracted by Jorge raining hell on their position. When one would suspect Jaune was there, he would kill them without making a sound. Snapping necks, slicing through hearts, chopping heads off, whatever it took. 

Soon Jaune found his way to the front, where it was inevitable that he would be spotted, that didn't deter him though. Immediately, he got to work, chopping, slicing, and overall butchering anyone who got in his way. They sent everything and everyone who was defending the spire to hold him off, but it was useless. Jaune teleported to the top, where he would destroy the thing holding the shields. Jaune pressed the button. The shields fell. 

A Pelican transport cane and Jaune jumped off the spire and into the Pelican. "Get us out of here. Control, thesis Noble One, spire one is green and your free to engage." Carter said over the comms. They flew away, but not before seeing the frigate come and unload its MAC cannon, completely destroying it. But was Jaune saw horrified him to his very core. "New contact, high tonnage." Aunty Dot stated. At that same moment, the frigate was cut in two from a laser bean from above. "No, someone tell me this ain't happening!" Jorge pleaded. Jaune looked up and saw a massive Covenant ship above, lurking ominously. 

Szurdok Ridge, Utkozet August 13, 2552 2007 Hours

"Our foe is more devious than we imagined. That spire was indeed a teleporter linked to a cloaked, Covenant Super-Carrier, a grave threat. Thankfully, help is imminent, sixty percent of the UNSC fleet is en route to Reach from existing deployments. The first battlegroup should arrive in forty eight hours." Aunty Dot states. While she is narrating, a massive leg is seen, as Jaune is seen walking to the mouth of a cave just recently discovered. Behind him is all of the rest of Noble team except Emile. Jorge tosses a crate in the middle of the congregating Spartans. Emile is sitting in the cave. "Forty eight hours!?" Jun takes off his helmet revealing an bald, Asian face with a tattoo of a heart with three spears through it. "Thats imminent!?" Jun asks with disbelief in his voice. He turns to Kat and Carter. "Uh-oh, who's your money on this time?" in a voice only Jaune and Jorge can hear. "Her." Jorge responds while taking off his helmet.  "You always pick her." Jun states in an almost annoyed tone like a child couldn't play with it's toy. "She's always had him dialed in." Jorge explains. "Wait whats going on?" Jaune whispers. "Whenever something like this happens, Jun and I always guess who is going to convince the other, I always go with Kat." Jorge says. "Huh, well I think Carter, he is the one with the plan." Jaune says. 

"That thing's crushing us, and were waiting for backup they'll be backing up a graveyard!" Kat exclaims. "All our nukes are either out-system or went down with the ships that carried them. Your preaching to the converted." Carter replies. "How converted?" Kat asks. "I know that look Kat." Carter changes the subject as Kat looks out to the distance. "You can say no." "No." "You don't even want to hear it?" "Fine I'll hear it." "Remember that accident a couple years back? Colony ship en route to Cygnus. Seven hundred dead?" "Vaguely, a slip-space malfunction right?" "It actually worked fine. The drive was mounted improperly after a service haul-out. When if fired, it teleported half of the ship to oblivion." "And this is relevant how?" "A certain Covenant Super-Carrier could, with some assistance, suffer the same unfortunate accident." "Even for you Kat thats..." "Inspired?" "Not the word I would use." The rest of Noble team walks to Kat and Carter. "Whats going on?" Jorge asks. "Go ahead, explain." Carter says, giving the green light to Kat. She reaches for Emile's kukri mounted on his shoulder. "May I?" she asks. "Don't cut yourself." Emile says. "Objective, destroy Covenant carrier in geosynchronous orbit above us." "This sanctioned sir?" Jorge asks. "What do you think." Carter says. "Method, a slip-space drive in lieu of the nukes we don't have. Delivery system, us. Solvable, getting us up there. That and getting our hands on a slip-space drive. Thank you for sharing." Kat says. "So, all we need is orbital transport and the single most expensive equipment made by man?" Carter asks. "As a soldier in the field I couldn't possibly have access to those kinds of resources. That said, a good place to look might be, I dunno, the nearest nonexistent launch site in the nearest nonexistent Saber Program dismissed by three administrations as preposterous rumors, and in which Jaune here was never a pilot before coming to Noble team." Kat explained. "Your scary, you know that?" Emile asks. "All we need is a green light from Holland." Kat says. "Good luck with that." 'Seems my bet on Carter is starting to be proven wrong.' Jaune thinks to himself. "Your the one asking him." Kat says right back. "There is no way in hell that he's gonna go for this." Carter says. 

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